How do you foliar feed?


Well-Known Member
I tried foliar feeding for the first time and some leaves died.

I was given some OceanSolution Pure and I diluted it 1 to 100
and then sprayed the tops and bottoms of the leaves ensuring the leaves were wet.

A few days later I noticed some leaves turning brown and drying up.
Did I not dilute enough since 1 to 100 dilution is for watering.
Should I have just lightly misted?

How do the experts do foliar feeding?
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Not an expert, but I have foliar few Grow Big with no issues. You're not spraying when they are in the sun or under lights are you? That can burn them, I always feed/spray in the evening when it is getting dark. Did it in the morning once and leaves got burned
I did the feeding early in the morning, with weak sun, after the stomata opened up.
It is through the stomata that the nutrients are absorbed.
OceanSolution customer service told me to dilute 1 to 200 for future feeding.
That is a bit less than 1 teaspoon per liter of water.