How do you feel about smartphones?

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
We spend all day on them for most of us. Have any of you ever gotten rid of your phone before? How did you feel? If you haven’t, how do you think you would feel?

I now realize I need a phone, it’s almost a necessity. But I have gotten rid of mine for months at a time before due to frustration. It felt liberating.

Social pressures always made me pick it back up though. Whether it was a job, or just communicating with friends and family.
When we go up to my in Laws cabin, we have no signal and essentially spend that time phone-less, aside from using it to take scenic pics, which my wife posts in the car on the way home as soon as we get signal :lol:

I love my phone, but I'm good without it.
They’re useful and convenient that said we’ve passed the point of diminishing returns on their continued advancement awhile ago. Further development is a huge drain on natural resources many of which cannot be recovered after disposal through current recycling technology. I do like having a super computer that can take professional quality macro photos in my pocket though.
They’re useful and convenient that said we’ve passed the point of diminishing returns on their continued advancement awhile ago. Further development is a huge drain on natural resources many of which cannot be recovered after disposal through current recycling technology. I do like having a super computer that can take professional quality macro photos in my pocket though.
I kinda miss that, a few phones ago, it had IR transmission capability and I could use it as a remote control for tons of things. As more & more devices get "smart", it seems the old school IR remote control technology kinda remains in place
I've only owned one smartphone. Once it dies I'll just get an audio player, all I do on the phone is listen to music (files).
I find having a smartphone to be liberating not the other way around. I can do lots of stuff on my phone. Check email, get a weather update, store files and data, browse the web, have a video call using skype, etc... I look at it as a tool and nothing more. I don't spend my days facebooking, instagramming, posting selfies or any of that other crap. I don't have to have it in my hand constantly but I do need to have it with me for the purpose of conducting business and communicating.

Some people get all caught up using them for social media 24/7. I don't have any social media apps on my phone. The closest would be skype which is just a messaging service, useful, and not a worthless waste of time like facebook, snapchat, or any of that other worthless crap.
I use my phone for communication, business, and research. And for a spank material in the shower.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but its sad when I go out to eat at a restaurant and see a couple, or a family, and each one has their phone in their hand. Heads down, totally happy scrolling through Facebook or whatever. Paying other people more attention than each other.

I guess it takes losing a few important people to understand how precious time actually is and to enjoy each others company. I always try to ask my kids how there day was, talk about anything exciting, and just regular human interaction.