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How Do You Feel About A Black Man Being President??

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Well-Known Member
AH yes.......my turn. Note:I did not vote. Barack Obama is not black or African American entirely. Dosen't anyone pay attention? I myself am a result of this country...my mother is white & my father is black. I'm the result of the true American ideal - the way is supposed to be. I will now proceed to lose my cool in a civilized way.......WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???WHEN WILL EVERYONE GET IT???THE ONLY THING THE AMERICAN DREAM IS ABOUT,WAS ABOUT, & EVER FUCKIN' BE ABOUT IS FREEDOM. You wanna know why I don't vote, why I smoke herb , & do whatever I please when I please because I live in America. How do I feel about our new president being black........I feel nothing. Figure that out after your judgement of my post. I'm sorry I just had to go off on the racial divide. I can tell you for sure love will never cower before hate...love will overcome. My parents taught me that & I'll never forget it.
P.S. - I didn't vote because I didn't want to & that's what it's all about & if Barack OBama is honest then even he would agree.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I think there'll still be some retards that are racist. Stupid ideas don't necessarily fade with time. We're still stuck with people that believe in socialism, are we not?

Brutal, PLEEZE take a sociology class so you will know what true socialism is.

(Then, of course, when you find the elements in your precious conservative right, you will hopefully SHUTDAFUCKUP, or at least not sound so goddamn ignorant.)

Now, are you saying that not being racist is now socialistic?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
im not racist and i have some black friends...but this is the time for black ppl to show the world there not all that bad...but right after they said obama won they were taping a reporter surrounded by black ppl...and they were in the backround throwing up gangsigns......juss farther proving white ppl's case
If you aint racist you shuddn't sound like one (and you do.) And I am 'white', btw, and it ain't provin MY case, so sink the boat by yourself, mo fro, and leave me and other TRULY non-racist whites outta it.


New Member
Why did people get so offeneded over Obama's middle name? Like newborn babies choose their own names or something. Some people can be so childish....

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Is Tiger Woods Black, or is he Asian?

Barack was Half White last time they checked.

I think its a positive step forward tho'.
I don't care if Baraks Black, but don't deny he's half white either.
Barak is not African.., Hes Halfrican


New Member
Tiger woods is more asian, I once saw a breakdown of his ancestory and Asian beat out black with him.

To me Obama looks more brown. I don't care if he's green, as long as he does something to help the people rather than helping corporations like Bushie the kid.

No that's an ape lookin dude if I ever saw one, Bush looks just like the apes in the Planet of the Apes remake.


Well-Known Member
Brutal, PLEEZE take a sociology class so you will know what true socialism is.

(Then, of course, when you find the elements in your precious conservative right, you will hopefully SHUTDAFUCKUP, or at least not sound so goddamn ignorant.)

Now, are you saying that not being racist is now socialistic?:rolleyes:
What are you saying that socialism/communism are not stupid ideas?

or are you saying that racism is not a stupid idea?

from each according to their ability, to each according to their need is an idiot's excuse for theft, and enslavement.

There's a mile wide line between charity and slavery, and having the government force people into being charitable at the point of a gun makes it slavery.

Perhaps, you will stop showing your ignorance, and learn the difference between slavery and freedom.


Well-Known Member
You are a slave to a political party, you shoot off at the mouth witht he ammo they give you, you are loyal as a terrorist to every little thing they tell you, and you are gonna preach to me about slavery? You are a right wing slave, my friend, and it is purely voluntary.

Besides, yours is the mentality that wants to keep the two classes, the greedy and the needy, with the widest gap. There is the slavery of our governement, and people like you with your party loyality only help feed the beast.

And you don't know the first thing about sociology, so don't try and take the focus off how ignorant YOU are on a subject by pointing your finger at me, altho that IS the MO of the neocons.

Try taking a sociology course and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
Is Tiger Woods Black, or is he Asian?

Barack was Half White last time they checked.

I think its a positive step forward tho'.
I don't care if Baraks Black, but don't deny he's half white either.
Barak is not African.., Hes Halfrican
White people have been the ones for the last few hundreds of years that have called anyone with 1 percent black blood......black


Well-Known Member
You are a slave to a political party, you shoot off at the mouth witht he ammo they give you, you are loyal as a terrorist to every little thing they tell you, and you are gonna preach to me about slavery? You are a right wing slave, my friend, and it is purely voluntary.

Besides, yours is the mentality that wants to keep the two classes, the greedy and the needy, with the widest gap. There is the slavery of our governement, and people like you with your party loyality only help feed the beast.

And you don't know the first thing about sociology, so don't try and take the focus off how ignorant YOU are on a subject by pointing your finger at me, altho that IS the MO of the neocons.

Try taking a sociology course and get back to me.
If it's purely voluntary then how can it be slavery?

Slavery was involuntary servitude.

Key word there being INVOLUNTARY!


Well-Known Member
TBT you never answered me about Obama being 7/16 arab or whatever. You still haven't given me you your source for that claim?


New Member
I never understood that mentality, it only takes 1 drop of black blood to make a person black but it takes 100% white blood to make a person white. Some kind of funky math going on here.

I guess nobody ever stopped to think that all blood is red and we are still all people.


Well-Known Member
I never understood that mentality, it only takes 1 drop of black blood to make a person black but it takes 100% white blood to make a person white. Some kind of funky math going on here.

I guess nobody ever stopped to think that all blood is red and we are still all people.
See its funny now all the racist's say he's not black, He's half white half black


Well-Known Member
hes kinda is a brown ish yellow.... but he did marry a black woman...... so i guess that makes him even more black....
uknow black is dominant in chemistry...... and white is resesive... color wise not culture wise...
blacks a state of mind.....


New Member
Next Halloween he should do a half and half costume and use makeup, divide himself in half, half white half black. I bet someone out there would still be offended.

I'm still going with brown.......BTW Obamas brown is not as brown as my construction worker husband gets by the end of summer. I've seen many a white person who are tanned to the point of being a lot darker that a good portion of "black" people.

See its funny now all the racist's say he's not black, He's half white half black


Well-Known Member
who better to represent who we are as a people... black, white, immegrant parent from nigeria, dealt with the problemsof being from a family of mixed origin, wich can be harder than being black or white.. he is young , energetic,, rose from the race and monetairy restraints.. he is a great figure head..he is the melting pot
but for some reason i still like to think of him as the first black president..i guess cause that makes it even more historic........ why do they say an historical event,, instead of a historical event...i am deffinately not the best at grammer so i am just wondering.. i thought an came before vowels, and a came before consanancessssss.
i do hope he lightens up a bit on the drug war shit... what a waste of money
he looks kinda like the clor of nestle quick powder or chocolate ovalteen poweder...kinda pastey for a black,white,mulatto.dude


New Member
When you mix up the great soup of races, a future possibility, the skin color should be some shade of brown. We will be a planet of brown people, not unlike Obamas skin color. It is actually a very pleasant color. White folks (Women) spend millions trying to achieve this shade of brown.


Well-Known Member
the only colors that freek me out a little is that really dark ass black cause its so fuckin dark and shiny it seems to take away some deffinition,i have a close friend who is that dark and he is also fat we all his mother included call him dot,cause he just looks like a big ass dot, hahah
,and that super pale ass white that is almost transparent just looks almost sickly.. but i do not allow these things to affect my judjement on an individual.. these are just skin trait and tones i personaly are not attracted to,,kinda like really skinny girls.. dont like them either.
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