How do you decide what to keep?


Well-Known Member
Obviously, if something sucks or doesn’t produce are givens. But how do you decide what to keep out of all your keepers?


Well-Known Member
For myself, I have a hard time dropping a “good” strain. I sometimes sit down with my list of what’s in the rotation and try to decide to stop growing something to make room for some new stuff. But I can never decide and therefore end up with too many plants as I add new strains, lol.
Just a discussion, I realize there is no right answer, lol.


Well-Known Member
first grow of any strain from seed, I do this:

take a cutting from each plant before 12/12 flip (I end up keeping those that pass the flower test, below).

flower plants till their way past their prime harvest times. While doing this, harvest a bud from each plant each week from around day 56. This reveals all the potentials of each plant in flower (and lets you calculate your preferred harvest time with that knowledge). Different flavours and highs will also reveal themselves.

make sure that you cure it well (so any results are not skewed by a bad cure).

While this might be viewed as laborious (and might cost a little end harvest weight). It is a one time deal (with any strain) and you get the 'keepers' you really want. As well as gaining a little knowledge about how the breeders flower times ..can be pretty up in the air :)
imo - I've come to the idea that I should run any new strain in flower for 73 days (from first sign of pistils). For me, that is often the magic number with the strains I grow (generally hybrid, with a swing towards sativa 70/30). Thats just what I find in my growing location though (using this method)
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Well-Known Member
I always like to start new stuff in the winter. It’s fun to pop a bunch of new seeds and see what you get. I’ve got 6 or 7 new strains started already and I just ordered the Sundae Driver BX. Gonna be a fun winter here in the northeast :)


Well-Known Member
I only buy regular seeds, because the only time I buy seeds is when I want to do some breeding as my mother room is filled with all my keepers. But when I do a seed run, I germinate a whole pack or sometimes up to 3 packs if I have the room, then at about 4 weeks, I top them all, and they are usually at node 6 by then, but I top them at node 4, and I use that top to see what I got, is it male or female? And if she is a female, that top goes into a small tent where I keep all the female tops from my current grow, and in there they will all reveg under a very small amount of light. And if they are males, I will simply kill them off as I already have the only breeding males I want to keep! Then I grow out all the females that I previously topped at the 4th node to see if there are any worth doing some mad scientist stuff to, LoL! And if they aren't worth a damn I will kill off the top clone that I pulled from her at the end of week 4. But if I get lucky and find a good one, which is very, very, very rare, I will pull some clones from the top clone and do 1 self, so I can have some female seeds from her and then do some breeding with the other clones.


Well-Known Member
Keep the ones that keep getting better for the longest amount of time. Which means keeping them all until you've cured the first harvest at least 6 months . Not a lot of people do that anymore. What seems good 2 days before harvest is rarely the best smoke after cure.

Fake breeders everywhere who don't even know what cured weed is. So of course the suckers who buy their seed are missing out. I heard Cali medical dispensaries dont even cure weed anymore.