All of the above. Drink way too much beer, lose my sense of humor, etc. The first 2-3 weeks I want to put my thumb in the eye socket of the first semi-rude person that crosses my path. Or just about anyone I don't like the looks of.
The worst part is knowing that I'm a jerk when sober for long periods, and a much better person when I smoke regularly. When I'm high I do things and learn things and make changes to my life, usually positive. I'm optimistic, I'm friendly, I can empathize, introspect, care about those around me. When I'm not smoking I make poor choices, treat people like shit, and generally don't even care.
Going without and not knowing when/if I'll get it again drives me nuts. Living in Colorado now with legal weed coming on Jan 1st is a huge light at the end of the tunnel. Just gotta wait a little over 2 more months.
Oh yeah, and I also get on RUI or other forums totally hammered drunk and post some crazy/embarrassing shit sometimes. That's always fun. I had to teach myself not to send mass emails to my family about crazy conspiracy theories or the evils of prohibition.