How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I know in the uk, religion has become less n less popular in the last 15 years , most people who claim to be religious have never even been to church and only say they believe in there god because they have been told to do so growing up .when you question there beliefs they have no idea what they are talking about .I truly believe people in the uk are slowly waking up to religion and it lies . but what about places like america ? religion has a massive grip on the people and has a massive wealth behind it able to indoctrinate religious belief to children in schools on the tv and at your doorstep .
How do we go about erradicating this evil and hatred for good ?
It's not all evil and hatred bro. I believe in god and rarely show hatred and I'm certainly not evil, so I don't know what you're talking about when you group us all together. How about you leave us alone?
In simple terms, the answer is education and promotion of critical thinking. With this approach not only can we eliminate the potential evil inherit to dogmatic religion, we can also preserve the benefits, such as hope, humanistic pride, and inspiration. The goal is not to eradicate the idea of god, but dogmatic adherence to certainty in God.
It's not all evil and hatred bro. I believe in god and rarely show hatred and I'm certainly not evil, so I don't know what you're talking about when you group us all together. How about you leave us alone?
wich god is it that you believe and why is it you chose that god and not any of the other thousands of gods ?
and why dont you leave us alone , stop building your places of worship , and stop indoctrinating our children , then we can call a truse .
In simple terms, the answer is education and promotion of critical thinking. With this approach not only can we eliminate the potential evil inherit to dogmatic religion, we can also preserve the benefits, such as hope, humanistic pride, and inspiration. The goal is not to eradicate the idea of god, but dogmatic adherence to certainty in God.

yes i like this .
I know in the uk, religion has become less n less popular in the last 15 years , most people who claim to be religious have never even been to church and only say they believe in there god because they have been told to do so growing up .when you question there beliefs they have no idea what they are talking about .I truly believe people in the uk are slowly waking up to religion and it lies . but what about places like america ? religion has a massive grip on the people and has a massive wealth behind it able to indoctrinate religious belief to children in schools on the tv and at your doorstep .
How do we go about erradicating this evil and hatred for good ?
Sociology was at one time thought to be the replacement for religion,
wich god is it that you believe and why is it you chose that god and not any of the other thousands of gods ?
and why dont you leave us alone , stop building your places of worship , and stop indoctrinating our children , then we can call a truse .

I Believe in god and Jesus for his moral teachings. I don't follow other gods because I don't agree with them. First off I "worship" him alone and don't go to church because those people are usually hypocrites when it comes to their own beliefs. Anyway why should they stop building places of worship? Does it offend you when you see a building of worship? Either way they shouldn't care what you think of their building because they have the right to follow their beliefs. I don't indoctrinate children nor do I agree with it, but it's their child and you are in no place to tell people how to raise their children. Instead of getting mad at people for indoctrinating their own children why don't you go get mad at abortion, child labor, pedophiles, and just bad parenting? I don't see Religious people turning people's houses into places of worship nor do I see people indoctrinating atheists kids who's parents do not allow indoctrinating. So they leave you alone so why don't you leave us alone. Maybe when you stick to your own beliefs then we can call a truce.
I Believe in god and Jesus for his moral teachings. I don't follow other gods because I don't agree with them.
there are many gods with the same teachings. budhists take the whole peace thing a lot further. they include animals, instead of seeing animals as things to be used for the benefit of humans.

First off I "worship" him alone and don't go to church because those people are usually hypocrites when it comes to their own beliefs. Anyway why should they stop building places of worship? Does it offend you when you see a building of worship?

actually yes it does offend me. i feel ashamed that our species is still subject to such idiocy.
off topic a bit - some people in this country believe mosques should be blocked from being built because theyre afraid of being taken over by muslims. but we are already taken over by christians! they are just too blind to see it because they are christians themselves, and see this as a good thing. because they REALLY have the good morals... :roll:

I don't indoctrinate children nor do I agree with it, but it's their child and you are in no place to tell people how to raise their children.

i believe there are things that all children should learn, such as science. religion can stop that from happening, especially in the southern states. they tend to say 'jesus did it' rather than finding out the real cause. this produces idiots, who then go on to do the same to their children.

Instead of getting mad at people for indoctrinating their own children why don't you go get mad at abortion, child labor, pedophiles, and just bad parenting?

why cant we include children indoctrination along with the rest? teaching children religion is bad parenting. it makes them have a fucked up view of the world.

I don't see Religious people turning people's houses into places of worship nor do I see people indoctrinating atheists kids who's parents do not allow indoctrinating.

but what about the kids of religious parents? why should they be subjected to it?

So they leave you alone so why don't you leave us alone. Maybe when you stick to your own beliefs then we can call a truce.

they dont leave me alone. im constantly being told that god is real and jesus was the prophet, etc. there are churches and crosses everywhere. have you ever driven through texas? they have HUGE white crosses all over the highways, and ads that tell you to believe in jesus. i dont think anyone should believe that because its absolutely ridiculous.
how can you say you dont indoctrinate our children ? you really believe if noone was taught any religious beliefs before they were 18 you would have any followers . religion prays on the fact that it can poison childrens minds . your mind has been poisend that is why you can not let go of the indoctrinated beliefs you have been taught ........but guess what ....muslims have been brainwashed by another god and yopurs means nothing to them , they think your god is bullshit and they would happily kill you to prove there point . i still dont see what it is that convinces you that YOUR god is the real one , theres so many more than the shitty christian one , it just happens that you were born in america .[/QUOTE]
Yeah well there's no point in trying to defend religion you are set on your belief that religion is EVIL, ha that's funny. Oh and luger I live in Texas they don't have signs that tell you to believe in Jesus. And even if they did you shouldn't give a shit because you don't believe it. Plenty of religious people are forced to learn things they don't want to in school. Also yes they teach science in southern states. I mean shit I live in texas and had to learn a crap load of science but they never taught religion so i dont know what atheists are bitching about. The churches there are just church's you don't have to look at them nor pay attention to them. But whatever I can just as easily say all atheists are evil just like you guys think all religion should end because we are wicked. I'm done with people who don't give religion a chance. I'm gonna go to oly's house to go smoke a bowl, peace. But wait I can't say peace because I'm a Christian and we are evil, so sorry I forgot.
Oh and luger I live in Texas they don't have signs that tell you to believe in Jesus.

ive been through texas about 5 times and have seen them myself.

The churches their are just church's you don't have to look at them.

i do when its a building that is bigger than anything else around and has a big cross out front.
if there was jewish stars or crescent moons all around your neighborhood, would you be okay with someone telling you just to not look at them? especially when you believe your god is the one true god. its the same thing for us, except we believe your god simply doesnt exist

But whatever I can just as easily say all atheists are evil just like you guys think all religion should end because we are wicked.

how does a lack of belief in something make us evil?\
we believe religion should end because it produces idiots that cant understand reality, and they depend on their god for answers, when they should be relying on science to fix the situation. like those prayer services they do in stadiums. those people really believe that if they pray hard enough, god will come down and change events on earth. like i said, IDIOTS.
its not because you are wicked. it is because we see it as harmful to society as a whole, while in disguise as a peaceful religion that harms no one.

I'm done with people who don't give religion a chance. I'm gonna go to oly's house to go smoke a bowl, peace. But wait I can't say peace because I'm a Christian and we are evil, so sorry I forgot.

we give you and oly plenty of chances. but your explanations are nothing but faith and bullshit. we demand evidence, logic and facts. none of which you guys provide when asked.

edit: actually, hep uses logic. but my point is still valid ;-)
Hepheastus420 there is no point in arguing with a mind like this , you may aswell argue for the existance of the loch ness monster , this guy has been brain washed and theres nothing us intelligent guys can do to change this disgrace to the human life .
he is a freak and will never admit to true reasoning cause his mommy told him different , seriousley disregard anything his mind says hes a disgrace to humans and has no part in our society .
i live in america and can honestly say that we are on the decline as well with religion. havent been to church in like 15 years and only know a handful of people who do. most;y eldr people stuck in their ways. i think the younger society realize its all bs, and most people i know only went as far as they had to make confirmation bc if you dont you cant get married in a church. i have no intentions of getting married in a church but it was imposed upon me to go to religion classes for such reasons, and as a child i did as i was told.
.....why don't you leave us alone , stop building your places of worship , and stop indoctrinating our children , then we can call a truce .
silence that with which you disagree and bury anything that may offend your delicate sensibilities? is that really the way you would have your "world without religion" started?

i've never had any use for religion. in fact, i have only the vaguest understanding of how anyone could get caught up in such a mania, even though i grew up as the eldest grandson of a baptist minister. what i do understand is that billions of people need that faith in something greater and it helps many of them lead a better life. it may not be realistic to have such a faith and there may not be a shred of truth to any of it, but it is no more harmful than your rabid hatred of it. i'm reminded of the massive confiscations of property and the imprisonments aimed at the religious under stalin, mao and myriad other petty tyrants through history and i wonder what separates your view from theirs.
You can never eradicate any religion, the more you take away, the more people will want to be there...they call it having faith and stuff lol

example...the nazis tried to eradicate Jew's, but what they did was make a proud strong group of survivors

Im working on how to eradicate assholes in the world right now, but thats not going so well either
funny how people can have more faith in non existent things but cant find faith in themselves. stop believing in god and believe in yourself.