How do we change this!!!!

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member

Does it piss you off? it pisses me off. The top 1% has 40% of all the money is this country. I would consider myself as lower middle class and working my up to maybe upper middle class some day. I'm lucky to live check top check when i am employed, and right now i'm not. There are alot of people doing worse then me. This is the American way? I bust my ass for this illusion of an American Dream? It makes me sick. It makes me want to not perticipate. I'm not a Socialist, but the disrubution of wealth in this country is SOO fucked up that the top 5% have more money then the rest of the 95% off Americans "below" them. How do we change this? We have power in numbers, but what do we do? Do we not work, or buy houses we need to live in or utillities we need like heat, water. Do we not shop at Wal-Mart? Life could be so much better for all of us if this money was more evenly distributed the all classes EXCEPT the top 5%. The money in the pockets of these assholes comes from us, the working people. Meanwhile we cant pay are bills, we worry about how were going to get the car fixed and how were going to put food on the table. It makes us edgy and angry and we take it out on each other... If we could redirect that towards some thing that make a change we would be unstopable.. How?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You change it by organizing into groups and research industries and businesses your group could all working together can afford. One small industry or business leads to another. Greed is always the factor that causes these endeavors to eventually fail, but if you can have patience eventually all of the group will be wealthy. The fact is no one person can handle all the nessesary tasks on their own to become rich and with no money...


Well-Known Member
Do not begrudge them controlling that much $$$, the problem is they are hoarding it, and worse, using it to dumb us down, weaken our immune systems to make us ever more compliant. Why?

They are fearful of the sleeping dog FINALLY wakening up after several hundred years of covert oppression, but of late much more in our faces.

I've been pointing out

chemtrails for ~ 10 years,
fluoride in water for > 10 years,
aspartame ~ 10 years,
GMOs since they began using them (~ 5 years)

This weeks news regarding US education being absurdly horrific has been a concerted effort going back the the beginning of the industrial Age

"U.S. scores on the PISA have stayed relatively flat since testing began in 2000. And meanwhile, students in countries like Ireland and Poland have demonstrated marked improvement — even surpassing U.S. students, according to the results."

These top 1% control all of this, as well as politicians that they give absurd amounts of money to in exchange for favors

And unnecessary wars they they themselves foment and finance, making huge military-industrial profits that we never see

We are being spied on with cameras everywhere, and internet eaves-dropping/data collection...

Each of these things are done to CONTROL a population, not enhance, enlighten, educate...

So, it is they we need to remove from power. Since they control the legal system as well, other means will be required.

The time is now, but how?

Apparently they are virtually emotion-free. The idea of "love' is so totally foreign to them that they recoil from it in great fear!

So the Beatles were right "Love is the Answer"

Seems the opposite of what you would think, but that's only the result of them dumbing us down

If we collectively begin sending the powers behind the scenes (the few actually pulling the strings) concentrated love, we just might be able to re-boot, and get our planet back

Now, make this viral


Active Member
If you start a revolution, like our founding fathers told us to do when it gets this bad, they will consider you a terrorist.

Isn't this a political thread? o_O

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
If you start a revolution, like our founding fathers told us to do when it gets this bad, they will consider you a terrorist.

Isn't this a political thread? o_O
yea, sorry. Its over there too, called American Dream!?
You should see it.


Well-Known Member
Join the young turks side project called Wolf Pack.

Its basically a group of people who want to get money out of politics. Stop the legal bribery allowed by people passing laws to allow it because those companies are feeding their wallet. Call your state rep every week asking about passing bills that would do so. Organize rallies and pass out flyers to people letting them know what your govt is doing to them. Give them the truth about things instead of hiding and dancing around the real topics like news channels do. Then provide the appropriate numbers to call to voice their opinions to the state reps. Its a slow process but like stated above, if we revolted we would be considered terrorists for fighting against what our founding fathers fought against. Corruption and tyranny. Where people wanting to call out the govt for doing illegal things are charged with espionage and treason instead of being honored and awarded medals for his courage in the face of such a powerful aggressor. Theyre able to control the news and media, most of it at least and theyre trying for the rest, and make people seem one way when theyre really fighting for the people.


Well-Known Member
Any kind of fight, legal, or otherwise and they win.

Think about it, they are the architects of yin/yang, pitting one against another. Keeping us divided

The key to defeating 'them' is to just embody as much love as you can and mentally send it to all you think you should hate.

The result is their chains will loosen and if we keep it up, must break, collapsing the lower tier infrastructure