How do they look?


Active Member
Just wondering what yall think of these plants they seem to be slow but looking good to me
I'm guessing that these were planted within a week of october 21st so that makes them 8 weeks old. I dont remember when they went to 12/12 maby 2-3 weeks ago. I have them in some dirt I got from outside my barn. It has had cows horses and sheep craping there for 20 years clovers seem to love it. they had 2 40 watt 4 foot floros 2 23 watt cfls and 1 13watt cfl and a 15 watt aquarium light made for plants, untill about 1 week ago I got a 400w MH hid but it only puts out what looks like 100w bulb is old, but I'm not paying to fix somthing that aint mine.
I know they need real pot soil and a real light but I think my room is good for having not spent a single penny (not even electricity as the meter has jamed its self!!)

What is whith this spot? to much or not enough nutes? there is 1 more like it on a newer leaf.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Looking nice.

The last pic shows some magnesium deficiency. I recommend buying some molasses and adding 1tbs/1gallon before watering to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Those plants took 3 weeks to get to that stage in flower because you tried to trigger an immature plant.

That's why you think they are growing slow, its because the plant is trying to produce the hormones it needs to flower in a rush. It takes alot of energy and time to do that in a premature plant.

For example if you had a sexually mature clone in there it would be about half way done with flower and it would have a huge bud on it.


Active Member
I had to trigger them early because im leaving on the 6th. I pinched a tiny bud today and split it with a friend it got us high I think this will be bad ass once its done too bad I wont be here. I plan on passing them of to my friend but I will smoke the best looking one just befor I go. hehehe.
do yall see how my lights are to the side of theb plants? they seem to like that more than having them above makes them bush out more and light hits all the nodes.