How do they look?


Well-Known Member
So what do you all think about time left I'm thinking at least two more weeks or so I'm grabbing a scope on friday so ill get a better handle on things


Well-Known Member
day 53 in flower. I made up my mind to cut one of the small side branches off and start it drying. I guess if for no other reason than to get a good idea of what a plant may be like and how it changes with time flowering. Its not huge but enjoy the pic.



Well-Known Member
thats the total watts I'm using in my flowering area. Its not just one cfl. I did order a 150watt hps lamp that should be here this week to help things along.


Well-Known Member
yeah it would be nice. I do have one 95 watt bulb. But I broke down and ordered a small 150 watt hps setup and I'll use all my cfl's for side lighting and getting to those hard to light places. I've cut a few branches now to help get some light to other spots on the plant and I just wanted to get a feel for how it will smoke at different harvest times. This being my first grow and only got one girl I figure I should try a little thats harvested now and the rest ill harvest in a week or so. I have a second female that has been in flower for 15 days and showing well. She's three times bigger than the first plant so things are looking good.



Well-Known Member
Those are some nice buds.
They're early right? I would wait for more of the hairs to turn amber if it was me.
Wanna mail me some of that!?!! :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Well I harvested a bit early but the stuff I pulled last week smokes nice and gives a good head feeling with about 20% body. Good taste much better than the swag the seed came from. Got almost 1.5oz not bad for an 19" plant I think. will toss some pics up for all to see. My first grow was a great learning experience. I've got two more girls in 12/12 now one at day 12 and one at day 30 and they are 3 times the size of my first. I thank everyone here for the information they have shared and the time to reply to my questions. I do have to say it's been amazing smoking bud that I helped live and grow, much better than most of the crap you find around here. The first pick is of my two girls that are my second grow. I hope with the addition of the 150watt hps lamp I'll get tighter bigger buds than just with CFL's. Guess we'll find out if I can use what I learned from grow one and do it even better this time. Thanks again and happy growing.

