How Do They Look.* pics*


Well-Known Member
So I transferred my most pretty one.
does it look female I think I see a pistil

Way too early to tell.

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Now, to Terroricia.
I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but are you hijacking this thread a bit?
I think its better to start a thread or journal of your own. If you have a link to your journal leave it here. Looks good so far.
Like I said I don't want to stir the pot, but starting your own thread would be respectful to TheCovinator.
This is his thread and in saying that if TheCovinator doesn't mind then I'm all for it, but till then I won't answer your questions.



Active Member
Sorry didnt realise this was part of a journal. Just saw the heading 'how do they look'.
Just wanted advice on whether one of the plants i had was male or female.
Still not
Will start my own page and hopefully someone can help me.


Well-Known Member
The last picture. Sure looks male 100%. And yeah you do have to throw it in the bin. Unless you want other potential females to give you a lot seeds in your bud.