How Do They Look.* pics*


Active Member
So The two taller plants are about 5 weeks - 6 weeks old and their first weeks of life basically sucked( being planted and replanted). and the smaller ones are only a couple weeks old. Any suggestions comments and others would rock.:joint:



Well-Known Member
are they sativas, they seem a bit that regular ground dirt i see yellowing on some leaves lack of nitrogen? i see purple stems to stress due to lack of nutes.


Active Member
so i probably should add some nutes you say and what can I do to add nitrogen?
o ya they are " cayenne " peppers " as far as the world knows. o the really tiny ones are like a little less than a week.


Well-Known Member
Looks good.If you add nutes dilute your nutes,never go full strength since they are small.


Active Member
can anyone tell from these pictures if this plant is male or female. :-?
We shot the plant from several angles but these are the best pictures we can get with the camera we have. I've had this plant in the 12/12 cyle for two weeks now and this is the first day that i have seen any sign that it may look like flowering I have 3 other plants the same as this but do not want to put them into the cycle until i am sure that this is female. I was going to do this one at a time. Should i wait another couple of days? I've looked at the pictures of the different sexes on here at thought it looked female. Possibly wishful thinking........... Any assistance would be appreciated.
Also approx how long do they stay in the cycle before they are ready to harvest. We waiting eagerly here to try out our first crop. :lol::lol::lol:



Well-Known Member
Looked at all your pics (I think) and really can't tell yet. I'd keep a close eye on those node growths . . . at this time, could go either way. I've had that funky, unidentifiable growth that I was pretty sure was male pop huge pistils out overnight.


Well-Known Member
so i probably should add some nutes you say and what can I do to add nitrogen?
o ya they are " cayenne " peppers " as far as the world knows. o the really tiny ones are like a little less than a week.
i wouldn`t add nutes til 2 or 3 weeks, and i wouldn`t recomend miricle grow for any nutes ( i just dont like it especialy for noobies)


Well-Known Member
Any new photos today, Terroricia?
I'm curious because mine looks the same and I almost wrote it off as a male.
The curiosity is killing me, how about you?
I keep telling myself that tomorrow I'll know. Its been 3 days now.
Good Luck


Active Member
haha i like the little pepper advertisement...nice outdoor is it your first? i didnt read anyone elses replys but it might be about 2-3 weeks old if new maybe a month...just checkin out some baby flowers :-)


Active Member
and now that i read some...i thought i saw a sack on one of those branches...if it developes tiny flowers just male..but that bushy brachy flower looks nice might be a herm..gotta wait and


Active Member
it kinda looks like a female from picture 3 but number one shows a little pod although there arent any little hairs started yet and they started out on the tips so it could possibly be a female or a female dominate herm


Active Member
Ok so I left for the weekend and I have a ghetto mist thing I made and left it one for 3 days... so they got huge! I'll post some pictures later today.


Active Member
Hi All

These are some other pictures that i have taken of my 'tomato plant' It has, since the original pictures started to bud. I was told that it was male so took it out of the 12/12 sequence. But the guy who told me wasnt sure. Can you guys give me a second opinion please.?
Also, how long if it is male, does it take to start releasing its pollen. I neeed to know this as i still keep it with its other three friends.
I have for the last week put another plant in the 12/12 sequence. No show of flowering yet tho.
If it is male do i really have to throw it away? as i have raised these plants with alot of tlc and would be heartbroken to just put it in the bin. (May have to get my other half to do that.)
Thanks for your help

