how do they look for 6 weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
you wont stress ur plants by pruning the lower branches..theyre big girls, the can take it..have you considered tying them down if their height is still an issue?..anyway great looking plants you have..:clap:


Active Member
These plants have done so much traveling. So i'm driving back to my home town and since i have two plants and my friend helped me take care of both of them and let me stay for free at his place, and use his 400w hps, i can't believe i'm saying this but i'm giving him one of my plants and keeping the best of the two.

Since i'm doing that i decided to take a small side stem and cut it for harvest from the plant i will give him :D. The top cola on this stem weights 13grams but its not dried offcourse. I put up pics of the cola. do you guys think i would get a decent smoke from this? As of now, 50% of the hairs are orangy in color and the plants have 2-3 more weeks to go in flowering before a full harvest.



Well-Known Member
Havent seen a sativa plant more than 80% in quite some time. Looking healthy though. I would invest in a 20-30x microscope. They are really inexpensive for what they could do for you to look at the trichromes. I paid under 20 bucks for mine. I usually grow indica dominant or pure indica plants. My knowledge of ripeness of more than 80% sativa is very limited. Good luck with finishing up your beautiful plant.


Active Member
Havent seen a sativa plant more than 80% in quite some time. Looking healthy though. I would invest in a 20-30x microscope. They are really inexpensive for what they could do for you to look at the trichromes. I paid under 20 bucks for mine. I usually grow indica dominant or pure indica plants. My knowledge of ripeness of more than 80% sativa is very limited. Good luck with finishing up your beautiful plant.
I appreciate the info.. i think i'm gonna go in a bit to walmart i heard they have those microscopes.

I think my next grow will be more leaning towards the indica side because mine especially becuase its domin. sativa its way too big and takes forever to flower even under a 400w hps, i can't imagine how long it would take if it was under cfls.. haha

Ill post pictures up when the sample cola is done drying. Is there away you guys think would speed up the process of drying up a bit so it would be done in at least a week? Can't wait to smoke shit i grew


Active Member
i need help. So that last branch that i took to dry, it kind of smells funny. I dried it for a week, there's no mold or anything on it, but at the end it still smells like a plant not that dank weed smell. I dont know if i did anything wrong, i cut it trimmed it and hung it in a dark but cool place for it to dry.

Now i have it in a sealed container for curring, but everytime i open the container, the buds smell like a plant. Anyone had this problem before?


Well-Known Member
man if you havent cut it yet i would still give it more time. the plant smell is common after harvest. a proper cure in jars or however you want to do will take 3-4 weeks. like a fine wine the smell of the bud should slowly get better as it cures.