How do they look.. first time grower

Thanks for taking a look. My plants are 5 weeks old. I am a first time grower and not sure if i have positive growth or stunted. If you can tell all of my leaves are different shapes but all the same strain ( GelatO.G fem by seedsman). All plants started with wide indica leaves, like the third plant that stretched a little much and i planted 3 weeks ago. Then the leaves thinned out. Not sure if I stunted the other larger plants. should I be worried? I am growing in super soil i amended going by the subcool resipe. I wasnt sure if i should still top dress them or not but I did start brewing compost tea with just worm castings and kelp meal. Any pointers or comments?



Well-Known Member
I noticed the smaller and thinner leaves after i trans planted them in to 7 gal pots.
How long ago was the re-pot?
What’s your water schedule?
Seems a little droopy.
Could be from slight shock or just watering a little to much.
The thin leaves are just new growth.
Everything will fill out.
Repot was 3 weeks ago
Water ever 3 to 4 days unless its been really hot.
They usually start to droop once the sun isn't on them but in the morning the are purcky.
The second plant is starting to show sex this week. Still watching for hairs though.
Do you think the leaves will get wide again??


Well-Known Member
Repot was 3 weeks ago
Water ever 3 to 4 days unless its been really hot.
They usually start to droop once the sun isn't on them but in the morning the are purcky.
The second plant is starting to show sex this week. Still watching for hairs though.
Do you think the leaves will get wide again??
The leaves will be ok. That’s what they look like when the plant is starting to transition to flower.
Take a pic when it’s nice and perky next time you can. If it’s perkn back up then I don’t see any problems with it at all. Looks like you’re on the path to success
So here's what they look like in the am. My last watering was Tuesday, so I just watered this morning and up dressed with my super soil a little.
Hopefully the one starting to show sex isn't flowering and just show maturity but I'm not sure. Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
So here's what they look like in the am. My last watering was Tuesday, so I just watered this morning and up dressed with my super soil a little.
Hopefully the one starting to show sex isn't flowering and just show maturity but I'm not sure. Any thoughts?
They look really good! I can't see any starting to flower in those pics. You got photoperiod plants right?
Yea they are photo. Thank you i have been working hard on them. If only I could get my veggie garden to pop just like these girls lol. I was worried when I transplanted them (manly the skinnier leaf one) that I damaged the roots to much and thats what made the leaves start to grow skinnier.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to make your other garden just as good. They eat pretty much the same way. I have tomatoes hanging at 9 feet on one plant. I feed them just like my weed. Jacks hydroponic 5-12-26 Epsom and calcium 15-0-0 with humic treatment,
Today's top dress was the first time I have ever top dressed them in any way. I'm not sure how I should be top dressing exactly. I just used the soil i cooked up. I see quite a few people just using the dry amendments.
They would gobble up some humic and fulvic acid with dome House and Gardens Root Excelurator lol
I do have humic acid but not sea bird guano.
You should be able to make your other garden just as good. They eat pretty much the same way. I have tomatoes hanging at 9 feet on one plant. I feed them just like my weed. Jacks hydroponic 5-12-26 Epsom and calcium 15-0-0 with humic treatment,
Do you use shade cloth? My plants get heat hot over here and I'm not sure what grade to purchase? Or even the plastic stuff?


Well-Known Member
Do you use shade cloth? My plants get heat hot over here and I'm not sure what grade to purchase? Or even the plastic stuff?
This heat is what causes tomatoes to slow down ripening. I dont use a shade. but i should. i have them in 5 gallon fabric containers. Jacks hydroponic i described is very expensive. but i buy it in smaller quantities from a guy on etsy. Its sort of like Ebay. I buy 4 pounds at a time and thats enough for 2 seasons. You should research it, its incredible stuff. You only need to use it every 7-10 days. or every watering if you use 1/4 doses per gallon. Regular dose is 1 tsp. Its extremely important to follow the mixing directions to the letter though. If you are curious its Jacks Hydroponic 5-12-26, 5-0-0 321 ratio fertilizer


Well-Known Member
I also found my plants respond very well to Root Excelurator from House and Gardens. My routine is a hodgepodge of different nutrients. ive been growing since 1986 and through trial and error found a routine that im confident in and works. I start them out on advanced nutrients grow, micro and bloom with general hydroponics cal mag. Then switch to the Jacks after a couple of weeks, and add Humboldt humic acid, house and gardens root Excelurator, and Humboldt golden tree. It sounds crazy, but it works out well for me.