How do they look 2


Well-Known Member
They still have a lot of fat white pistils on them from your pics. I was going to ask what week they are in flower because they dont look close to being ready, in my opinion. Your CP and twilight look much closer to harvest than these do. I always go by the trichs and not the hairs so I could be off. You know best since you can see the plant in the wild. She is looking very nice though. I agree about the leaf to bud ratio being a little high but if they are covered with trichs thats just good hash material, lol. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They still have a lot of fat white pistils on them from your pics. I was going to ask what week they are in flower because they dont look close to being ready, in my opinion. Your CP and twilight look much closer to harvest than these do. I always go by the trichs and not the hairs so I could be off. You know best since you can see the plant in the wild. She is looking very nice though. I agree about the leaf to bud ratio being a little high but if they are covered with trichs thats just good hash material, lol. :bigjoint:
CP and Twilight are about 2 weeks closer than the Super Nova, gives me time to harvest the 8 CP and 5 Twilight, I also have 3 Charas and 1 Matamuska that's somewhat in between. Their's also 1 Indica x Sativa this strain was free seed from Amsterdam seeds. Their hugh cola's. I sent 7 of them up north and gave a few others to friends, they're happy..will post more pics soon..:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Its a great Idea to stagger the strains or phenos so you dont work yourself and friends to death with those monsters. Its a lot of work but in a fun way too. Great grow Hodge!


Well-Known Member
Both Super Nova and Charas look very good. Nice trich pic and scale pics. Gives an indication that those will be nice buds. They look nice and tight too. Are they? Growing nice and green with slight tip burn, just the way I like. Is it gettin cold up there at night yet?


Well-Known Member
Both Super Nova and Charas look very good. Nice trich pic and scale pics. Gives an indication that those will be nice buds. They look nice and tight too. Are they? Growing nice and green with slight tip burn, just the way I like. Is it gettin cold up there at night yet?
Their filling in real nice now, the temps are getting into the low 50s at night but it's still upper 80s to low 90s during day. I've stopped with the blooming on all now and cut back on water, just enough to keep them alive so they use what's in the boxes and root system.. Dang yellow leaves are more than I can keep up with but I can live with are side branch's not the main cola's..:weed:

budy budman

Well-Known Member
UNREAL, your mother would be very proud of you!!.........Helicopters buzz here daily, no Green Harvest program there? You are truly king!!


Well-Known Member
UNREAL, your mother would be very proud of you!!.........Helicopters buzz here daily, no Green Harvest program there? You are truly king!!
Thanks Budman, but I'm just a regular fellow who like to grow

looking good there....
trimming those bitches are going to be work.
I've got some part time employees, have to do my part for the slumping


Well-Known Member
charas looks crazy man and can anyone tell me wtf a infraction point is and what it does some asshole didnt like what i had to say so much for voicing ur opion who puts rules on an adult site anyway

ralph wenzel

Active Member
Whats going on Mike?, thats a nice looking purple nugget, can't wait to see them in person in about a week, if I can be patient, you know that never was one of my virtues, if I have any, and it still isn't.
Anyhow, just listening to the money crap on the busines channel, like it took a rocket scientist to see this coming for the last 15 or so years, I used to tell the guys I worked with, this is going to come to an end and it won't be pretty, it just lasted about 7-8 years longer than I ever thought it would before it came to bite these idiots who were to stupid to realize their limits, anyhow, I told them, theres no way people can afford these things. And told them they couldn't afford theirs, they argued, all are our of work, most are losing their homes. Then theres the fasct every bit of industry and farming has been multi nationalized, its all just faith in a bunch of paper. When I was a kid a white boy could still get a factory job, or job huskin corn, shitty work, but at least it was real, not just pushin paper.
To the woods I go, or thats the plan