how do these look

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I don't think there's anything too wrong with that as long as the flash on your camera is not set too strong. However, it's best on the plant if you just turn on the lights 5 min earlier, take the pic and then during the day, set the timer to its initial setting. I wouldn't be sure, but I'd presume that sudden shocks of light can't be good for the plant.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Hmm... they still got some 2-3 weeks left, the PP maybe ever a bit more. The yellowing of the leaves is normal for soil growth, don't worry about it. In a week or so , depending on their progress, you should stop adding any nutes or additives in the water and start flushing.

Your plants look happy and you shouldn't worry about them at all.


Well-Known Member
i just worked out the white widow is now about to start week 6 of flowering and pp is about to start week 5 of flowering. how many weeks left should they have then ??

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
You can give them 3/4 and in the last 2-3 days 1/2 strength nutes, then start flushing. WW still has 2 weeks, maybe even 3, PP would be some 3-4 weeks away till harvest, so you can feed her 1 week more than the WW.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
When 20-30% of hairs are red/brown you know that you probably have only 2-3 weeks left til harvest. At harvest a minimum of 75% should be red, but ideally, over 90%.


Well-Known Member
right there are a few red/brown hairs but another matter the little 1s i think i have identified 3 males. i tried to take pics but they dont come out well on pic. at the top of the plant there seems to be a little cluster of what i think are balls. these seem to only be on the 3 taller plants at the very top. the others are short and bushy and have no signs of sex. am i right in thinking these are male


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
That does look awfully ball-like. And males also grow faster and taller... Still, to be 100% sure, wait and switch to 12/12, then look if there are any other balls growing. If so, cuttem up or separate the males from the females and make hash out of them...


Well-Known Member
they are allready on 12/12 with my 2 that are budding. im thinking of keeping 1 male seperate and taking some pollen and pollenate 1 bud of the little ones when they form so i can have some seeds

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If they're already on 12/12 (dooh, I should have figured that out), take a pic of the stem where 2-4 side stems shoot out. If you want to know the sex, that's the place to look.

Also, after 2 weeks of 12/12 males already start to release pollen, so be careful.


Well-Known Member
heres a better pic. defo male i think and they been in there 2 and half weeks. im hoping its just 3 males and the shorter bushier 4 are female. fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
i have taken them 2 out as im sure now but i have left the other 1 in as im unsure. but the other 4 have no signs so hopefully 4 females


Well-Known Member
right i removed the last male and i think i have 4 females. but i cant think of any funny names for them. you got any in mind