how do these look


Well-Known Member
i bought these from a friend of a friend. the one on the left is a power plant and the 1 on the right is a whitewidow. the white widow had a load of yellow leaves at the bottom so i removed them. it is on its second week of flowering and there are loads of little hairs on it. the power plant is not that old but it i am keeping it with the power plant on the 12/12 cycle. will it still bud but not as much?


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
The one on the left will definitely flower.
My concern is whether or not the one on the left is a seed or a clone.
If it's a seed then you may have a male watch it close. If a clone then cool, just top it before it reaches the sky. LOL


Active Member
You should be fine.

With mine I also use Veg. fertilizer on the 3rd and 4th week of flowering.

The yellowing leaves are the first signs of all the Nitrogen being used up and the end of the girl's lives.

They look beautiful!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Lookin good! Your power plant will do nicely. I'd keep an eye on her, she can really grow tall. The white widow's lookin great too. It's normal for leaves to start falling off, she's gettin old, after all, and she needs all the N in the leaves for bud production.

I have never seen or heard from anyone that buying already grown plants is an option. I'm dead curious how much they cost and if this is a normal thing or it was just a once-in-a-lifetime favor from your friend's friend.

PS: your powerplant looks nighttime droopy. Did you disturb her sleep to take this picture? If so, naughty naughty!


Well-Known Member
i paid £50 for both of them. and the powerplant is a clone. i also have 10 big bud seeds planted so i can start from scratch myself. i will post pictures if they sprout. i got them as he has quite a few plants and i was suposed to buy some clones from him but he went away and forgot to switch everything on so they died so he sold me these


Well-Known Member
i also have biobizz flower nutrients and superthrive. how often should i use them and i have a cf truncheon. what strength should it be. so far i watered it 1 day with nutrients and superthrive then miss a day then waterd with nutrients and superthrive then missed a day then watered with normal water. also i am leaving the water overnite in a open container. i am not sure if i am to use biobizz flower everytime i water so i was scared about killing them. any advice is very helpfull. i took the picture after lights turned off. i did change my 12/12 from 9pm - 9am to 6pm - 6am as my timer broke and i dont have any money at the moment to buy one so i turn them on and off myselft as i get up for work at 6am so i can turn it off and im in by 6pm to turn it back on. i have 2 pc fans running constantly when the lights are on to keep it cooler

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Don't disturb your plants during sleep again.

That's way to much water and too many nutes. There's a goldent rule to watering and feeding. You should water your plants when the soil on the top has gotten dry. Stick a finger 1-2cm / 1/2-1 inch into the soil and check if it feels dry. If so, water, if it still feels moist, don't. Add nutes only every other watering.

Your setup is pretty nice. Keep us posted on any new developments.


Well-Known Member
cheers for the advice. do you know how strong the nutes should be when i use them. and that picure was taken about 45mins after lights went off as i cant take pics when lights are on they come out with lines in them

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Well, if you're flowering now, some nutes with high K and a pretty decent P are great. I prefer to use flowering nutes with a bit of N, so I'll be sure there are no deficiencies. So a good bet would be something like 2.5-10-9 (this is what i use).

Whatever nutes for flowering you may get, they'll come with instructions on what concentration to use (e.g.: 1 cap/1gallon, 1 cap/1l etc).


Well-Known Member
i found it on the back of the bottle it says 2 - 5ml per liter of water. use with every watering.
nitrogen (N) 2.0%
ammonium nitrogen (NH4) 0.9%
nitrate (NO3)1.1%
phosphorus (P2O5) 6.0%
potassium (K20) 3.5%
application to be used during the whole flowering period of the plant

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
That's a big thumbs up. I see no big problem with these nutes. The concentration seems right on the spot. Still, do not use every watering! Once every other/second watering. The reason they say to use at every watering is because most plants are watered once every 1-3 weeks, not like our dear ganja, once every 3-4 days. Simple house plants have a chance to take up every little bit of nutes in the soil, while cannabis will first suck all the water out and then get started with the nutes. Thus, after 3-4 days after watering with nutes, there's still some left in the soil. If you add even more nutes, the high concentration in the soil may prove toxic to your plant.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I have read about superthrive enough to tell you that you should never use it in flowering, only in vegging to grow a nice strong root system.

Superthrive is very acidic, so check your pH. It has an auxin-like hormone, so it will make your plant grow stretchy and inhibit lateral bud formation. That's why you should always use it in vegging only, and even then, don't use too much.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
As mr. Burns would say...excellent.

Superthrive is great for seedlings, still... very acidic, so be careful.

PS: I edited my previous post, cause it sounded very loose and lacking a logical train of thought. Still the same idea though.


Well-Known Member
some update pics. the powerplant isnt looking soo droopy and some more of the white widow.
there is more than 25 bud areas that i can see so far. the light screws up my pictures ... how much do you reckon the white widow will yeild?


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
200g sez I.

the light has a certain frequescy just like tv/monitors (reeffered to as refresh rate).

PS: im backed

PPS: the reef-fresh joke was intentionatly.