How do these girls look?


My first grow, trying to take these 4 plants and clone them out to more.. the 2 on the right look great to me but the 2 on the left the leaves are drooping a bit they have been getting there water not too much but any comments would be greatly appreciated. Trying to get into this hobby would hate for my first 4 girls to die on me :( . Any comments or suggestions would be loved, I am novice in this field and have just been reading all your guy's great threads which have already taught me a lot. Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
they look weak.... they need nutrients... purple stem like that is deficiancy of some kind


Active Member
More light, asap. Preferably T5 for veg and depending on how many plants you decide to clone, a 400-1000w hps. Are you using nutrients? Are you using good soil? (No, not miracle gro) Do you have a lot of air circulation? Is the PH right? Info is helpful :]