How do these clones look?

Took them 3 days ago. I used clonex, and rapid rioters plugs, I take the dome off for an hour 3 times a day how are they looking? The ones on the left are crown royales, the ones on the right are sour diesels.View attachment 3680885 View attachment 3680890
Just mixed up a mix of aloe Vera and water and let them soak for a bit in it , hoping this helps, I might make an aero cloner after this I hear it's the easiest
Leave them be no need for a aero cloner,they will do just fine dude,dont over complicate,something that is doing just well with out,they will root,the a/v will make them root a bit faster,continue with the feeding of a/v even after rooted,and for future ref,use a/v has the rooting compound.just dip the tip directly into the slime from the leaf.I found they rooted about 4/5 days before the clone x clones.After 5/7 days don't mist has much once or twice a week max,let them work to get moisture this will force rooting faster,

Day 5, still no roots they all still look good though, is there anyway to tell if they are rooting or how long they are gonna take, I'm starting to think these strains can't be cloned or something
Day 8 I couldn't take waiting any longer I checked a few and the sour diesels and so close to popping roots there full of white bumps, the crown royales just look brown so I'm thinking there not going to take , but positive news for the sour d's