How do outdoor growers keep their plants clean and bug-free?

If I grew it myself, no.
But different people deal with different growing conditions and varying amounts of contaminates so for those who need it bud washing is a great option.
We have smog, ash from fires, dirt the dog has kicked up, etc. on top of any creepy crawlies that might be in the mix. It all gets on our organic vegetables, as well.
We have smog, ash from fires, dirt the dog has kicked up, etc. on top of any creepy crawlies that might be in the mix. It all gets on our organic vegetables, as well.
Yeah, I have to have my plants and my veggie garden surrounded by a fence so my dogs don't get in there and kick dirt up. My boy dog just loves to pee on everything he can find, I have to watch him he likes to try follow me in when I go into the garden. I don't eat anything within a pee radius of my fence, hee hee.
IMG_5804.jpegIt’s an ongoing battle for me. Slugs, caterpillars and dreaded mealy bugs. This year I have 3 girls and 10 companion plants attracting ladybugs and dragonflies. I spend an hour each day killing mealy bugs and then I use the hose on full and spray from underneath. It’s controllable and I like spending time working with the girls…makes me feel like a real farmer!