How do nutrients effect PH

My tap water is 7.1 and I am getting ready to start a ebb&flo system. When I add the nutrients will it effect the PH up or down or at all?

Illegal Smile

The sad answer is - it varies and there's no way to know. You should mix your nutes in a separate container of maybe a half gallon. Do that in pH corrected water, 5.8. Then add that to the tank, and take a half gallon back out to balance the water level. Don't check pH then, give it time. Wait 8 hrs or so and check it. Don't check and adjust pH too often, that's a trap! Just keep it in a wide range and don't worry about it.


Active Member
Alot of tap water is p.h. buffered, to protect the pipes, it will tend to take alot more up/down then RO or Distilled water.
Alot of tap water is p.h. buffered, to protect the pipes, it will tend to take alot more up/down then RO or Distilled water.
Good because I ordered up and down by gallon containers. My reservior is 55 gallons..........I plan to grow a couple plants you see :-) Never say whoa at a horse race I always say. Thanks for the info guys.


Active Member
Do you know if your city water is pretty clean? If it ppms at over 250-260 it is "Hard Water" adjust as needed. Most plant prefer pure water, but you can make it work with city for sure. Make sure that you let it sit for 24 hours to de-chlor.

Best of luck.
Do you know if your city water is pretty clean? If it ppms at over 250-260 it is "Hard Water" adjust as needed. Most plant prefer pure water, but you can make it work with city for sure. Make sure that you let it sit for 24 hours to de-chlor.

Best of luck.
I'm not on city water. I am on a well. As stated my PH out of the tap is 7.1. I checked the ppm this morning for hardness as recommended. It is 70 PPM at the tap. I do have some potted plants in my grow room which I have been playing around with to learn as I gather up my Hydro equipment. I had to water them this morning and after mixing some grow nut's my PH was 6.4 and the PPM of the mixture was 310. The plants are thriving very well, no burns, very bushy, and getting pretty tall. 8 are about 4.5 weeks and the other 6 are about 3.5 weeks. The older plants have been 12/12 for a week now, the remaining six will join them tonight. I have six in germ right now which will be my firts hydro experience. I have a 400 HPS and a 400 MH in my room. The temp is 77F and RH is around 50%.

Illegal Smile

The range is 5.2 to 6.8 for hydro. By the way, I would never use a 55 gal tank, too hard to manage if you have a problem and have to flush often. Also you waste a lot of nutes in there, expensive. If I wanted to grow more than the 4 plants an 8 gal tote can grow, I would just add more 8 gal totes.
The range is 5.2 to 6.8 for hydro. By the way, I would never use a 55 gal tank, too hard to manage if you have a problem and have to flush often. Also you waste a lot of nutes in there, expensive. If I wanted to grow more than the 4 plants an 8 gal tote can grow, I would just add more 8 gal totes.
Didn't say I was going to fill it all the way up to 55 gal. I will be starting with six plants. But have plenty of capacity for expansion with that reservior for future grows. You have given great advise and input. Thanks