How do my plants look?


Active Member
The biggest plant is a blueberry plant and te smaller one is unknown. I switched te lights to 12/12 63 days ago and I give them about a week and a half - 2 weeks to convert to full flowering. So I'd say they've been in full flowering for about 49-50 days. Or whatever everyone has their own take on that theory. But anyways regardless what do ya'll think? Im using a 90w led and a 150 w hps. The blueberry plants buds aren't filling out as I'd hoped but I'm not sure why. I think it may be a lack in light.... They've been stressed a little before but the big one got the worst of it as we had to move the plants to a different house and the big one had branches broken off. And wasn't in the best shape



Active Member
Did this plant have a rough life? As said above the buds are not dense at all and looks all spindly...


better than nothing haha :) but ya what did you feed her? is it a auto? what size room is it in with that lighting?


Well-Known Member
The plant wasn't grown efficiently. Those lights don't have much penetration so you're supposed to train your plant ( ie: topping, LST, FIM, Scrog, Banzai) to keep them short and then keep the lights as close to the plant as you can without burning them. It sounds like the move might have caused some of the problem. Do you know the genetics?


Well-Known Member
Looks like charlie browns Xmas tree lol,naw it okay if this is your first or second or maybe even third grow,I can tell you had and probably still have heat issues.


Active Member
Yes this is my first indoor grow. The buds on the little one are dense as helllllll. They're like rocks. But the big one is scaring me a little. The plant is in a big room but the ac in the room broke so it is a tad bit hot. But yes I did an outdoor grow once before with some success. I'm feeding them with Jacks Classic blossom booster. The genetics I'm unsure of but I believe the biggest plant is a blueberry froM bagseed. My old supplier gave me the seed who used to grow.... Genetics may not be the most stable. Lot of stretching and odd behavior.But the big one has had a lot of issues with rootig space. I was late transplanting it a few times so it was stressed from that. And once or twice it grew into the light and got burned.