How do my plants look?


Well-Known Member
Just looking for a little advice. The plant in the bucket seems to be turning a little yellowish on the bottom, and the one in the smart pot seems to be doing fine now that I killed the bugs that were eating it.

They are in MG organic soil and there is a thin layer of FFOF in the top. I have been using the FF trio for the past 3 weeks, feeding once a week. Its been raining a lot here and just wicked hot (90+) for the past 2 weeks.

Any thoughts? Too much water? Not enough water? Too much nutes?



Active Member

The Girl look Nice :)

The yellow leaves are normal usually (The lowers leaves often turn yellow after couple weeks into VEG and drop off)

The watering look OK to me. Soil look wet! (Put your finger 1 or 2 inch into soil and if its wet it mean its fine!)

When the pot is light and the soil is dry that mean its time to water! Otherwise just wait for those factor and you will be fine)
*Overwatering often do more damage then underwatering!

If i could give you some tips ;

You could train the girl with some technique (Topping, Cropping, LST..)

Also try to put them where there the most amount of sunbeam! Seem to be shadowy alot which wont hurt that much since they still get what they need! But being straight under the sun Help :P

so yeah, have fun with that girl and good lucK!

Wish you the best!



Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for the tips. I was thinking about topping but isnt it too late for that? They are JUST starting to show sign of sex.