How do my plants look? **pics***


Active Member
Ok well these clones were started off in a 3 gallon pots and planted in regular all purpose gardening soil. The one on the left is sensi star(4") and the other is snowcap(6"). I have the tempurature usally around 80* lights on and 70* with the lights off and have a heater to keep good warmth throughout the night inside my main shack. The humidity is around 50-60% all the time with circulation. My growing area is made out of greenhouse material and demension are 3 ftx 3ft x 5ft tall, inside a mini house thats 15x7x8 ft . I water them generally every 3 day and havent fed them any nutrients at all and went to get this stuff called Bat Guano anad has a ratio of 9-2-1, so i will be using that from now on every other feed for vegetation to give plants strength and fast growth. Some things i notice are that some lower leaves are getting yellow and drying out, mostly on the snowcap. And also have had acouple leaves with brown tips that u might be able to see in the pics. And sensi star leaves curling in as well. I recently just switched out my old bulbs with alot of heat to new compact florescent like lights. No heat, and give alot of bightness and plan on lowering them closer as well. Since they are about 1.5 feet above. I also have the feeling the leaves were drying out and and getting brown tips since my old heat lights gave off all the heat to keep it warm in there and it just burnt them up a little.

Note that these were clones and have been planted for 8 days. Im doing a light system of 16-18 hours of light a day and the rest complete darkness. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Ok your plants are probably turning yellow because of lack of nitrogen. I would suggest getting some fertlizer that is high in Nitrogen and start feeding them at 1/4 strenght and gradually increase the amount. What kind of lights are you using. I think you may have CFL's and if that is the case they need to be within inches of the plant. And 18/16 doesnt add up...i sure you mean you have the lights on 18/6 right?


Active Member
yea i do need to lower my lights on the quickness and i dont have a timer on my lights. They arent to advanced and its hard to time it perfectly for 18 hours to do it every morning and turn hte lights on and i do sleep longer on the weekends. So mabey i shoud invest in a timer. Its not that bad for them its not consistant lighting. As long as its at least 16-18 hours of light a day? Meaning 6-8 hours of darkness.


Active Member
so a timer will work with lights that just go on when u plug them into an outlet? Cuz mine are just basic lights.


Active Member
yep, go to any stores that have products for your home. even walmart has em. a timer deff makes your life simple. and yeh it could be lack of nitrogen and not having your lights close enough. if its a cool floro it can be within 2 inches or so
sometimes plants just grow crappy early on to, if theres not alot of light floros just dont put out enough light for them to grow well even if somethings wrong.
unless you have like 5 or 6 of em