How do my babies look at day 1 week 8? Which ones are ready? 8 pics uploaded

Cola To Hand Ratio.jpgCindy 99 Close Up x2.jpgCindy 99 Close Up.jpgKing's Kush Close Up.jpgArmegeddon Skunk Glamour Shot.jpgBubba Close Up.jpgKing's Kush Glamour Shot Part 1.jpgBubba Calyx Explostion Part 2.jpg

Top Left - Armageddon Skunk
Top 2nd on right - Cindy 99
Top 3rd on right - Cindy 99
Top 4th on right - King's Kush
Bottom Left - Armageddon Skunk
Bottom 2nd right - Bubba Kush
Bottom 3rd right - King's Kush
Bottom 4th right - Bubba Kush

I'm getting close but none of the THC looks done to me. Can somebody please help? None of the trichomes are amber and it's hard to tell if they are milky in my 420 I just want to pick it at the right time. I'm thinking the the Cindy will be done very soon (1 week).Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the pics. I'll post more in here if I can. They only let you do 8. Enjoy!!!=)

P.S. - this is my first grow....can somebody please tell me if I have potential or do I still have a lot to learn?


Well-Known Member
they look great, youve done very well for your first grow, seriously, you should be proud of your grow. Are you going for a head high or the couchlock high? cuz if your going for the head high they look fairly close.
I'm really going for couchlock aren't we all;)lol jk
Thanks sooo much for the kind words. That makes me soooo happy after all the labor I put into this!!! I work very hard on my medicine and I want the most THC production I can get. The Cindy99 is only a 7 weeker (im letting the one go a whole 8 weeks) and mostly all of them except for the Kush's are 7-8 weeks as well; however, I want the most THC I can get without the THC deteriorating. It says in my book that there is only a 7 day period to get it just None of it has to do with weight for's all about the quality for me!!! WISH ME LUCK!!!;)
Anybody have any great secrets on flushing? All I have is clearex but I really wanted that final phase!!! You think it will make any difference?


Well-Known Member
Great looking grow!! You raised a good strain for beginners obviously. The plants look great.
@ Sir Maker - THANKS MAN!!! look at one of the pics with the hand next to it. That should give you a idea better then describing it.

Nutes - The whole Connoisseur Advanced Nutrients line along with the new PH perfect line (Bud Candy, Bud Ignitor, Nirvana, and Bud Factor X)
Soil - Foxfarm Ocean Forest...but next time I'm going to try the new Sunshine Mix #4. I've heard a lot of good things about the Sunshine mix on youtube in Canada.
Lights - Sun System Cool Sun Hoods and Super HPS Eye Hortilux Bulbs (the best).

The truth is you really get what you pay for in my eyes. A kid could use Advanced it's so damn easy. I know it's more expensive but it just works waaaaay better. When I go to the dispensary I can totally tell the difference from Advanced choice nugs and GH nugs that smell great and look great but the taste and quality isn't there. I'm just saying... that's my own opinion. I went with Advanced because they make it specifically for the medicine. GH is made for fruits and veggies. You decipher it on your Take my word for it though Advance did this for me!!!
@ The Sim's Bob Newbie

what advanced told me was that it doesn't matter about the pistils. they said to look at the THC in it and pay attention to that??? I'm really confused though. I did start with Clearex because I already spent a lot on nutes and somebody gave me the bottle. Do you think it works just as good as final flush??? I'm very skeptical and I don't care about weight because I just want quality medicine for me and my patients. Any advice would help??? I want to it to smell and taste so good you could eat
@ Serapis - I was told that Kush's are the hardest plants to grow? I have a couple and they seem to be the best looking ones? Are they really one of the hardest? I'd like to try some hard ones. Any suggestions? I always love a challenge!!!
Thank you!!!=) That makes me feel real good. It's not all for I have to split it between 3 other people=( At least they'll be stoked to know that I naturally have a greenthumb=) I owe it all to Advanced Nutes!!!