how do my autos look


Well-Known Member
Hey folks still on my first grow, im hoping my autos will be ready on april 20th, that would be 80 days from seed. the shorter one is really getting crystaly it looks like the bud sites have been dipped in sugar lol. waiting for my scope to get here in the mail, hopefully soon.
how do they look to you guys? think they will be done in a couple weeks? think i'll yield alright?


Well-Known Member
They look good. I have never grown autos though so I dont really know how that compares to others. I would say a couple weeks. Definitely start checking trichomes/stigma/calyx development and adjust your feeding if you are planning on flushing.

And are you really asking us to tell you the yield on the plant you have in front of you that is close to finished? Cant you just look at it and estimate yourself?


Well-Known Member
And are you really asking us to tell you the yield on the plant you have in front of you that is close to finished? Cant you just look at it and estimate yourself?
well as its my first grow i really have no baseline for comparison, im hoping for at least an oz or 2 dry weight off each plant. also needed to add more to my post to justify it as a legitamite post and not just show off pictures:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You should be very happy with your efforts, especially for a first-timer. You did well, grasshopper. What variety are they? I am growing an Auto Blueberry now. Should be finishing in the next 3 weeks or so. Won't make the 4/20 but I don't care, my b-day is three days later and I intend to sacrifice 1 small branch for my celebration.

Most of the reviews I have read over time say autos are a waste, personally, I think those people are loony. Some of the newer autos do real good and produce almost as much as a non-auto when grown right in the same area IF you're growing in a very small area.

Jus Naturale

Active Member
well as its my first grow i really have no baseline for comparison, im hoping for at least an oz or 2 dry weight off each plant. also needed to add more to my post to justify it as a legitamite post and not just show off pictures:bigjoint:
Since when have any of us needed to legitimize showing off? I'd bet an ounce is a really low estimate, but I have no real clue either. Either way, they're beautiful!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments guys, i have to admit i am pretty proud of my efforts.
The strand is Polar Express from auto seeds. and yeah ive read bad thigns about autos to but i think they mainly apply to first generation autos, modern super autos seem to be much much better.

edit here is a pic of them next to my white widow bushes that im going to flower after i harvest


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for spring so I can grow out a couple Short Stuff Seeds Super-Cali Haze (super auto) outdoors.
Pretty interested to see how they do.

IMO autos have their place, people whine that they dont yield as much but to me they seem easier to grow and will
help new growers gain important knowledge if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Those are nasty man, you should send 'em here so I can 'dispose' of them for ya!:bigjoint:
Plus rep for that one!!!;-)
I have some biodiesel autos and a few freebies. Can't wait to put them out (prolly 4/20) and for them to finish in June for a July smoke. Hoping for ten 0z, gonna give 4oz to the mistress for holding me down last year and the rest should last me the rest of the year. Im excited!


Well-Known Member
now to roll up some dead leaves and crumbs from my desk, sigh gonna be a long couple weeks lol


Active Member
:) well you kept them short enough :) mine stretched to almost double the size of your little one. Anyway, the buds seem really fat :D nice job.