How do mushroom spores come in the mail?


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes and ladies. I ordered some mushroom spores recently, and it was my first time.

I am wondering if a needled syringe of clear liquid is what I should have been expecting.




Well-Known Member
okay yeah, i'm pretty fuckin stoned but the box says it's from "Topia" in amsterdam so this was a pretty dumb question

i ordered the spores with no prior knowledge on a whim around a month ago so i was like, okay, what's with the eerie syringe in a box marked as incense...
Hey buddy. They come in a syringe with clear liquid & you should be able to see black dots in there. Sorry nobody else has helped you. Lots of dicks here. 😡


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy. They come in a syringe with clear liquid & you should be able to see black dots in there. Sorry nobody else has helped you. Lots of dicks here. 
thanks college, yeah it's full of clear liquid. i do see some black dots now that i hold it up to light

from what i gather, i inject squirts of this around the outsides of BRF cake jars and allow it to culture the cake 100%, sit for a week, and then i fruit them

keeping out contaminates seems like the hardest part of the whole deal