how do I tell the difference between male and female?


So - I just germinated and threw some seeds into a pot a few weeks ago, and now I have some problems...

1.) I have 6 plants in one pot - is there any way to transfer these into separate pots without disturbing the growing process?

2.) The bottom 2 inches of all the stalks seem so weak that the leaves are top heavy...

3.)How do I tell the difference between budding and non-budding plants a.k.a. males and females?

the first pic is my separation problem, and the second is my stalk problem:joint:


Active Member
k , im guessing this is your first time growing , like ever? so here ill help you out lol

1) get 6 , 5 Gallon pots and FILL them with soil, take them out one at a time VERY carefully make sure you dont rip any rutes wile doing it then put them in the 5 gallon pots.

2) The reason why the bottom stalks are so weak is because you need ALOT more soil then that in the pot when you go to transplant them into Bigger pots , fill the pot with soil up to the small starter leafs.

3) Those look to young to tell , so when they get bigger if you still dont know just take a pic of them and post them.

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
hmm bro u shouldnt plant more then 1 in just 1 pot u need to tranplant soon it maybe too late already but i know.
do it quick.
male/females? u can only tell if its a female/male after flower stage which is 12 hours light 12 hours dark after about 1.5 week to 2 weeks of 12/12. Your plants wont start budding till u do 12/12 light/dark females plants has white hairs and males have green lil balls but ur far away from knowing since ur plants are what 2 weeks old? its best to veggie for aleast a month then flower them
im also a noob on my frist grow good luck bro
veggie 18-24 hours of light


Definitely my first time - and, what is the best method for trying to separate these? should i try to cut into the soil, or just try to gently pull out the stalks?