How do I stop being a judgmental ass?

Find out why this matters so much to you. If you do that, and you can make that stop, you might succeed. Worrying about a choice others make for not-you is a big waste of mind and energy for you, and just imagine the turn-off for them. So I wish you success.
Consider smoking cigs or drinking alcohol, same effect?
if not than congratulations you have successfully been brainwashed!

my best advice has always come from my ancestors speaking through psylicybin.

don't become one of those jerks who stays home masterbating to the world, accept those around you or forever be alone!

also don't you fucking know weed makes you WAY FUCKING COOLER so lie about it if you have too!

ps. drop some mesc and look within, start by loving yourself more!!!
Keep in mind you are getting advise from:

A paddle
Dancing bears
two pit bulls
a bull mastif
Rick Harison
a Sontaran
The Dude
aa teddy bear
a black light poster
a stoner
guy in a v-neck t-shirt
Jeff Spicoli
a black sun
some c-4
a sign
a polar bear
a guy with his head on fire
and some weed
If you're a judgemental ass deep down, chances are you either always will be or you're going to have to be the one to change your mindset. I'm a judgmental bitch when it comes to certain things, I won't lie, but I do think recognizing it is key. I once dated a guy that said, "Ew seriously?? That's worse than smoking cigarettes!!" when I told him I smoked weed... told me it was a HUGE turn off and couldn't really come up with a good reason.

I think there's a stigma associated with the whole "pot head" thing that makes non-smokers assume we're all just a bunch of air headed lazy asses that sit around all day living off unemployment, masturbating while we smoke a bowl or something lol. I'm graduating this year with a BS in marketing and IT with a 3.2 GPA from a good university. I have 2 jobs and take my future seriously. And I smoke a lot. haha
Keep in mind you are getting advise from:

A paddle
Dancing bears
two pit bulls
a bull mastif
Rick Harison
a Sontaran
The Dude
aa teddy bear
a black light poster
a stoner
guy in a v-neck t-shirt
Jeff Spicoli
a black sun
some c-4
a sign
a polar bear
a guy with his head on fire
and some weed

Bull Mastiff........​WRONG!!!!!!!
Dude that's easy stop being so judge mental and except everyone isn't gonna live life according to how you want/think it should be. Calm down a notch and enjoy life.
If you're a judgemental ass deep down, chances are you either always will be or you're going to have to be the one to change your mindset. I'm a judgmental bitch when it comes to certain things, I won't lie, but I do think recognizing it is key. I once dated a guy that said, "Ew seriously?? That's worse than smoking cigarettes!!" when I told him I smoked weed... told me it was a HUGE turn off and couldn't really come up with a good reason.

I think there's a stigma associated with the whole "pot head" thing that makes non-smokers assume we're all just a bunch of air headed lazy asses that sit around all day living off unemployment, masturbating while we smoke a bowl or something lol. I'm graduating this year with a BS in marketing and IT with a 3.2 GPA from a good university. I have 2 jobs and take my future seriously. And I smoke a lot. haha

i gotta ask bygone do you smoke and masturbate lol! J/k