How do I stop being a judgmental ass?


New Member
Hey everyone, I have a rather important question. Might be a long-winded post, so bear with me.

I don't smoke. Never have and I don't think I ever really will. I have a lot of friends who smoke pot, my best friend included, and yet whenever I meet someone new who smokes, I feel an intense feeling of disappointment. Worse is when I meet a girl; it's an instant turn off. I'm not the type who believes in the unfounded beliefs that weed causes neurological disorders. I know it's not addictive and is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. I'm even totally for the legalization of it. I've gotten used to my friends doing it and don't mind when they do it around me. Yet, I can't shake that sinking feeling in my chest when I meet new people who do it.

I'm disgusted with this judgmental side of myself and I'd love to just get rid of it. So, I guess my question is what would you say to someone like me? How would you get someone to not be so judgmental?
look up statistics for alcohol vs weed...
weed saves lives and improves quality of life...
alcohol destroys lives...
start picking on boozers! :)

hey, and maybe take a toke!!
it's pretty relaxing...

and I will say this too. I was 100% against ganja until I tried I get where you are coming from.
Be judgmental of me I'll Fubar your ass and you'll then show some respect and we'll smoke a blunt and be best friends.:bigjoint:
It sounds like you already know you are wrong for judging for something that does not affect you or anyone else. The only one you are hurting is yourself. You are missing out on friendships and the goodness of people because of your own short comings.
take a look at yourself - I bet you do something that disappoints other people. their decision to smoke weed really shouldn't bother you - how they live their life, their behavior - that is what to pay attention to.
Hey everyone, I have a rather important question. Might be a long-winded post, so bear with me.

I don't smoke. Never have and I don't think I ever really will. I have a lot of friends who smoke pot, my best friend included, and yet whenever I meet someone new who smokes, I feel an intense feeling of disappointment. Worse is when I meet a girl; it's an instant turn off. I'm not the type who believes in the unfounded beliefs that weed causes neurological disorders. I know it's not addictive and is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. I'm even totally for the legalization of it. I've gotten used to my friends doing it and don't mind when they do it around me. Yet, I can't shake that sinking feeling in my chest when I meet new people who do it.

I'm disgusted with this judgmental side of myself and I'd love to just get rid of it. So, I guess my question is what would you say to someone like me? How would you get someone to not be so judgmental?

Its who you are, pretty hard to change. Just pretend
It is because you think you are better than them. Just like when a racist lookes down at a black person or a Jesus freak shits on a gay person.

Get over your self, you are no picknic to be around. Imagine haveing to be friends with a judgemental asshole like yourself without being stoned
I'm disgusted with this judgmental side of myself and I'd love to just get rid of it. So, I guess my question is what would you say to someone like me? How would you get someone to not be so judgmental?

grow some balls and get the fuck over it.. or that hot chick that you meet ,let her fuck your brains out while smoking a fat doobie..seriously its going tobe a legal recreational drug in a few years then what ya going to do??
Stay at home and to yourself. The older I get the worse I get.
But think of it as them keeping healthy with Gods gift.
Study up on it.
lots of harshness here towards you but imo being able to spot your own flaws is a great trait. the fact you dont smoke and "probably never will" does probably mean you think youre too good for it. which is ok youre entitled to that. i smoke pot every day dude.. and i still talk to pot heads and think god these guys are fucking idiots.... just an ego thing, im snooty too.
Judgement is a natural, unavoidable part of observation.

It's whether you do it negatively or positively and audibly or not that matters.
Be judgmental of me I'll Fubar your ass and you'll then show some respect and we'll smoke a blunt and be best friends.:bigjoint:

I'm not into ass play man. It's totally cool that you're gay, but I prefer the ladies. But thanks for the offer.

Curious, what does anal sex and showing respect have to do with each other?
I'm not into ass play man. It's totally cool that you're gay, but I prefer the ladies. But thanks for the offer.

Curious, what does anal sex and showing respect have to do with each other?
your a fag... how would that have anything to do with butt fucking? I didn't say fuck your ass I said F.U.B.A.R.