How do i Root clones WITHOUT any type of hormone gel?

i have a good mother plant right now and im trying to get some clones off of her.
i only have soil, water and my hps light.
any possible way i can make this work?


Well-Known Member
I take cuttings without rooting hormones all the time, but it would be better with it. I just cut them at a 45 degree angle and stick them in a cup with a few inches of water in it then put a plastic baggie over the cup to hold the moisture in. Remove the bag once or twice a day and shake it to get some fresh air in there. Make sure you see moisture collecting on the bag, that means that it has a good humidity level in there. You can also use an upside down rubbermaid container like I did in the pic. Using rooting hormone would make the clones root faster and probably give you a better survival rate than my method, but it works pretty well for me.



Well-Known Member
you can clone without rooting gel...its mostly for your clones to root faster.....if your going to use soil use a seed starter soil that has no nutes in it.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ive used the water method and it works, slower to root than with hormones but they root. It's been done like that for centuries.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that you gotta make sure to use tepid water, around room temperature. If you notice your stems turning a purplish color it's probably too cool for them.


Well-Known Member
You dont need rooting hormone(but you only need the cheap stuff from the local store if you do). If you can get perlite then you can make a perlite wick cloner, ive made one before, works great, straight tap water and no hormones.
would it be okay to put soil in the cup with alot of water? or just take the cutting and let it set in some water? how long will it take for the roots to show?


Well-Known Member
I guess you could do that, but you can't see if it's rooting in soil. Without rooting hormone I would say 7-10 days, longer with colder temperature.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what are your guys sucess rate? i can never take too many clones at once due to my size restrainst. i didn't realise it was so common place so i retract my rather cocky sounding post.


Well-Known Member
I have had over 90% success with AND without using gel. I started doin em in rockwool plugs but they seem 2 expensive so now i do em in biobizz cocomix. they usually take 2wks but this last set took bout 7days 2 show. i also have some sitting in just water but no signs of roots after bout 7 days, def seems to take longer. good luck!


Well-Known Member
usually over 85-90% without taking care of it proper, 95-100% if I actually give a shit and change the water etc.
so i gotta change the water every so often? i have never cloned before so this is kinda confusing for me lol, bare with me.
how do i know she will be doing okay or if shes going to die?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
na man poor genetics cause hermies. you cant hermie a plant unless it has the gene to be a he/she to begin with. no amount of stress or fucking bout with the lights or anything will make any plant hermie unless it has the gene to start.

its a common myth