how do i produce bigger buds


Hi there,I have been growing for about 7 months..i use foxfarm ocean floral soil and their nutes as flower room stays between 72-76 degrees and the humidity is at 65% almost ph is 6.5 on the water..i average 1 oz per plant but i know i can get more....ideas???
thank you

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Need more info.

How much light are you giving them? How far are the plants away from the lights? In what size containers? What strain are you growing?


Active Member
more info bud, how much light are they getting? how long is your veg and flower cycle?

Key things though that i've learned since growing. Different strains produce different yeilds, you can have strains that produce lower yields, and others that produce lots more. Also be aware of the nutrients your using. If you want better results, consider trying different nutrients and different combinations and really work on getting your own feeding schedule really working for your strain. I found fox farm in the past to produce pretty average results for me. I get much higher yields with supernatural brand nutes instead. i highly suggest looking into them. Obivously theirs many other factors other than just nutes, consider your lighting too.


indoor..the light is 1000 watt hps the plants are about 8-12 inches from the light(tops anyway) the strains are headband (sour diesel x o.g kush) and permafrost..they are in a 5 gallon pots the light for veg is 18 on 6 dark flower is 12/12..


Well-Known Member
also regularly replace bulbs for maximum yields. makes a much bigger diffrence than people realize. 40-50% of an hps's PAR light is gone after about 1 harvest


Rebel From The North
Add light get better strain, dail in your setup! Try a better nutes line theres so many things its a mystery without knowing more
About your setup, i can say this bigger vegged plant yield more


Well-Known Member
Lights is probably the biggest factor, following by having healthy plant, and giving the right amount of nutes


Well-Known Member
potassium K; k controls water/nute/sugar intake, plant respiration, plant health, allows the plant to survive with low water(drought). but most of all it controls fruit size/mass/density/taste.

ex: orange trees with low K produce golf ball sized fruit. orange trees with lots of K produce grapefruit size oranges!

ed rosenthal also recomends using 2x the amount of K vs P, but i find that to be a bit extreme.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the k. i really think the hole molasses thing has more to do with the trace elements then the sugars.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Add light get better strain, dail in your setup! Try a better nutes line theres so many things its a mystery without knowing more
About your setup, i can say this bigger vegged plant yield more
agreed. You should be getting more than an ounce a plant in five gallon containers of headband. Step one: quit using fox farms nutrients and fisher price shovels. If thats the only thing you can get, ok i guess, but considering you got heaband clones, my guess is you can get more than FF. Veg your plants more and better too... proper bending, low stress training, topping, fiming, all good techniques.

This is probably the most common question I see on this forum: how can i get bigger buds? Answer: master the fundamentals of lighting, air, nutrients, rootzones etc. The answer is simple, but within the answer lies a thousand questions.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
yeah, after the pics, vedge them tighter under heavier light. Add supplementary lighting on the sides of your grow zone, flouros will help. more K: yes. thats something you can do now that will help.


Ursus marijanus
Much good advice here. My suggestions:
For veg consider an MH light.
Fluorescent supplementation does work but I consider that advanced technique. Adding some actinic T5 aquarium lights to an HPS is something I will try someday soon.
But above all else ...
practice practice practice! Take cuttings of your fave(s) and clone them. You'll have a big jump on your next grow cycle, and the plant-handling practice is synergy in action for you. :mrgreen:
cheers 'neer