How do i power these computer fans?


OK so i picked up a 12V 5Amp adapter... i have 2 FANS that are 12v 1.4amps.....i hooked both fans up the 12V 5Amp adapter and it works great...THE Only problem now is that the ADAPTER is getting really HOT!....i want to be able to fun these fans Safely ....Oh i am building a stupid PC box.sorry this fan thing is pissing me off :p


Well-Known Member
You are within the specs of the adapter so it's fine, and it's not that unusual that they put out heat like that when you're drawing nearly 3 amps from it. This is when you add a 3rd fan, something a little smaller, just to blow on the adapter to keep it cool.

Or replace the adapter for one that doesn't get so hot at 3 amps.


Well-Known Member
I would go a/c the only reason to do all this is if you already have the stuff around or at least most of it.


I would go a/c the only reason to do all this is if you already have the stuff around or at least most of it.

yeah i know i had 4 pc fans in my case and had a 12v 5 amp adater but that im thinking about i think i wired it wrong...the adater had 3 wires 1blk 1red and 1 yello... i twisted the yellow and blk together as one ground maybe that yelow wire is the problem