How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????


Active Member
Go ahead and vote McCain, but when they throw your ass in jail for a few years for smoking a joint in your own home... let's chat.

You'll have committed a federal crime and won't be able to vote any more afterward, so I guess it won't matter then.


Well-Known Member
Im not voting for either one, just stating that if obama gets in im moving to canada, and besides, if a cop were to walk into your house right now dont you think theyd throw your ass in jail? -.-


Active Member
yeah, but that would change with obama. not with McCain. He would allow for states to decide, get rid of Govt waste in fighting legal users- just like Abortion used to be before Roe v Wade. Also, lets talk about federal tax windfall... free healthcare, anyone?


Well-Known Member
haha free healthcare at the expense of middle and lower class taxes. Our healthcare system, with its many faults, is one of the best ones available. remember, you get what you pay for. Not sure about the canadian system but ive heard its off the shit-o-meter for being a not so good one. No offense intended.


Active Member
Only Americans think that. Ask the Canadians, Japanese, Europeans, Argentines, and other like minded people to tell you how many middle class and working class families have gone bankrupt in their countries due to heath care costs: 0

I know friends who have Ivy league degrees and rotting teeth in their mouth because it costs so much to go to a dentist and their families can't shell out 5k for a tooth.

Maybe you need better weed!? A neo-con stoner?? :D


Well-Known Member
Has anyone watched the news for america?????? they are talking all over the place about legalizing marijuana and it would be just like smoking cigs...... so chill hopefully if there is a voting day for it that people will go and vote YES and or they might not have a vote for it because they are now understanding that the economy would be a hell of a lot stronger with legal marijuana


Well-Known Member
Has anyone watched the news for america?????? they are talking all over the place about legalizing marijuana and it would be just like smoking cigs...... so chill hopefully if there is a voting day for it that people will go and vote YES and or they might not have a vote for it because they are now understanding that the economy would be a hell of a lot stronger with legal marijuana

Strange....In most big cities like mine (chicago) and all the local towns are making smoking cigarettes more and more restricted. I dont see pot being any closer to being legal in this state.


Well-Known Member
Dunno but its being talked about I dont know if it will happen.... you can sue and all that if they dont give you a job because you smoke. Its legal they go home and drink some wine...... if its been named legal its completly wrong to tell ya you cant have a job because your smoking something legal........ dunno how that junk started there..... :( but we will see the government wants to make money and they now realize how many billions of dollars they could make by legalizing marijuana


Well-Known Member
yup that is what they are saying to tax them like it would be pre rolled which would make it a lot easier too :) i dunno if they are gonna have a vote or if they are just gonna make it legal..... or either but they are def talking about it EVERYWHERE :D


Well-Known Member
5 yrs of higher education..?

must be good for more that just that ONE job

use it for something else - a job where u dont have to get a drugtest

you like to smoke - you are a smoker - u`ll never be happy having to deal with drugtests every six months

IMO that is


Well-Known Member
i dont mind dealing with drug tests...every six months. what kills me is knowing theyre comming but not having a set schedule for random piss test. if you get one every six months...thats like telling a pot head hey, at 5 months stop smoking then at 6 you get it, then after 6 start again...i hate not smokin for a month but its better than finding out 3 days before your test u got one commin.


Well-Known Member
...i hate not smokin for a month but its better than finding out 3 days before your test u got one commin.
I hear that.... but its def better than losing your job either, thats why I like having a set time, which the job I am in allows you to know 3 months advanced... the only way you would get a screen on the spot is if you show up at work higher than hell and there is NO way that before work I would smoke because well it would be completely stupid for me doin that i would act stupid regardless of how hard I tried.... but trust me when I get home I def make up for lost time lol