How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????


Active Member
im sorry to say this but pretty much no shampoo will work.... the drugs stay in the hair u cant just rinse it out.... although u could have a freak accident and burn all your hair off=)


Well-Known Member
im sorry to say this but pretty much no shampoo will work.... the drugs stay in the hair u cant just rinse it out.... although u could have a freak accident and burn all your hair off=)
Yeah, if anybody asked, just tell them you were freebasing coke and had a Richard Prior experience. lol sorry for the sarcasm.


Active Member
My understanding is that hair follicle testing can detect drug use up to a year, certainly for 6 months. That's why it's the gold standard for testing. The trace is in the root of your hair so if you take drastic measures don't forget arms, legs, pubics, toes (ha-ha, in my case it would be the ears).

Anybody facing this test is usually faced with serious life consequences, i.e, loss of job, children or freedom. Get thee to an attorney. I'm old enough to have had plenty of trouble and wise enough to get through most of it. I've given this advice before; pay for your own test. If it comes up positive then your only hope is to 'fess up'. Acknowledge your weakness, apologize for your indiscretions, agree to any conditions. Sincerity will take you a lot further than deceit. Sorry for the long post.

I wish you the best.


Active Member
I agree with above statement. Contact an attorney. My sis in law got plucked and popped. She is a nurse at Duke and did not loose her job but was enrolled in a drug counseling class. Time to weigh your options, pot or career. You already know you are going to get caught so you might want to either take a leave of absence for "personal reasons" or go to the administrator of your employer and tell them you need help. I don;t think you can get fired for that.....At least not in America.



Well-Known Member
Cant you say if you test positive that you went to Bonnaroo and people were smoking weed everywhere and you must have had to breath some in..........? I mean it can happen


Well-Known Member
Do not risk anything if you are serious about this...

Your best bet is to put off the final test and drug screen as long as you can... Stop smoking for a bout three months and do lots of detoxing in that time... =]

Good luck i had to drop my nurse cert classes because of a stupid paraphernalia ticket from 5 years ago... =[

This was half way through the semester too... I did not think that a misdemeanor of that caliber would stop me but it did... =[

Stupid system... =P


Well-Known Member
Well sure you can say that. However they wont care you tested positive so you fail. Its not like you can talk your way out of it. Fail is fail thats it. You can say it was a mistake but they will only retest the sample they took the first time.


Active Member
They won't let you be a nurse because you use a medication that is legal in like 13 states and 20 countries?

PS- you are A NURSE. America, along with nearly every advanced nation in the world, is suffering from a HUGE lack of nurses. I say, if you fail, tell your potential bosses to hire all the alcoholics they want because you're going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in the UK, Canada or Europe. Or California?

PS- what if you said the text was wrong, or that you had roommates that moked marijuana?


Well-Known Member
PS- you are A NURSE. America, along with nearly every advanced nation in the world, is suffering from a HUGE lack of nurses. I say, if you fail, tell your potential bosses to hire all the alcoholics they want because you're going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in the UK, Canada or Europe. Or California?
Yeah seriously come to canada we need nurses too! And I've never heard of a nurse being drug tested here. ( I have 3 nurses in my immediate family)


Active Member
I'm amazed by the US obsession with drug testing. Apparently it is a $1.5 billion per year industry. (source: Whatever Happened to Drug Testing? - TIME )

I've never been asked to take a drug test for employment or any other reason (in Canada). I've always planned to refuse if I was ever asked. Fortunately, the IT industry offers some choice of employment. I've never been in the position that a lot of Americans find themselves in, where a drug test stands between them and poverty.

What happens in nations that don't have the same drug testing obsession? Do trains fly off the rails and overpasses collapse in Canada? Is the national productivity level of the Netherlands horribly low?

I don't think you will ever get rid of it. With $1.5B in revenue, the industry can keep lobbying for more and more testing.


Well-Known Member
That is exactly right, the revenue generated is so huge that they will continue to do this.
Where I live they have even gone one step further....Cigarettes, if you smoke them you won't be hired. They implemented that back in May 08. The city of Sarasota can and will do hair testing for drugs and cigarettes....this world has gone to shit. IMO


Active Member
Mass immigration to Canada if McCain wins?

If only Canada had a province that was tropical... You guys need a Caribbean island!

I know, I know "It's not so cold gosh darn it!"


Well-Known Member
thyanks everybody for posting... ...I just found out its actually a piss test so I'm not so worried about it.