how do i make extacy!


just for shits n giggles, here's the simplest, shortest i can find....

Proposed experimental method.

Proposed procedure of photomethylamination of isosafrole. Into a Pyrex vessel was introduced an MeCN-H2O (9:1, 70 mL) solution containing isosafrole (C10H10O2; 0.567 grams, 3.5 mmol) and DCB (3.5 mmol). The solution was then saturated with methylamine gas. The solution was irradiated by a 300-W high pressure mercury vapor lamp under cooling with water. Upon completion, the solvent was stripped in vacuo, and the residue was washed an aqueous 10% NaOH solution, and extracted with DCM. The DCM was stripped in vacuo, and the oil distilled in vacuo, yielding the free base of MDMA. The base was disolved in dry Et2O, and dry HCl gas was bubbled in. The precipitated crystals then dried, weighed, and tested for biological activity.​


Find a book called Total Synthesis 2 by Strike. Easy to understand and very comprehensive. You should have some cheistry training though & I don't recommend the undertaking.