How Do I Make Butane Honey Oil not only and More Like Hash?


Is there any specific way to purge the butane to make the final result come out more like hash? What I mean is not oil , I have made it a few times and one time half of my pyrex dish looked like sand , the other half oil! My question is how can It not oily consistanty? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
yes....then you press it like's wonderful.

if it's to oily to start take a paperclip and whip that stuff together until enough air incorporates with it to make it more pliable....then add kief....i'd try that first, honestly


RIU Bulldog
I think It might be a little more complicated than that..?
But maybe not...I honestly dont know anything about BHO yet.


Well-Known Member
Make some bubble first, mix the butane oil (I use hash oil) with the finnished bubble and you get some shit that NO ONE complains about!


Active Member
when you are heating it to expel the gas, whip the shit out if it with a fork or something. this thread has some great info, Pix Wax


RIU Bulldog
nah it is that easy
I', glad to hear that.
But isn;t it hard to purge the butane from the oil?
I thought it was more complicated becasue I saw a video of a buy using a brake fluid bleeding hand pump.
Something like this;,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=552&ie=UTF-8&cid=3119629501747266994&sa=X&ei=tPvCTY6pDYGmsQO8-4HxDw&ved=0CGAQ8wIwAA#

He was using it he said, to purge the butane from the BHO. When he put it over the BHO and pumped it, it (the oil) would get all bubbly.
I think he did it three time or until it reached a certain consistency idk. I don't remember.


Active Member
thats one way to do it, i know a guy that built a simple vacuum chamber out of an old steel tank to help purge the gas. i think its a little more effort than its really worth, whipping it seems to do a sufficient job. i find the most important thing is getting the water hot enough in the water bath. boil twice as much as you think you are going to need and keep it boiling until you use it.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
look in subcools organics section for pix wax, or check his you tube channel under 'subcool420' - this is what your looking for.


its called budder

make the bho, then reheat it over a coffee heater, keep scraping the bho on a pyrex cup and soon it will get crusty., the end result is a flaky product that turns oil when u burn it.