How do I look for about 5 weeks in flower ?

Space Kat

I am a Beginner and I’m just wondering if I’m looking good ! Open to any advice, don’t hold back! Please excuse the blurple lol don’t beat me up please haha


Space Kat

Good ! Well she’s about 6 feet tall , I have buds in lower branches. I realize I should’ve been more aggressive with defoliation


Well-Known Member
Good ! Well she’s about 6 feet tall , I have buds in lower branches. I realize I should’ve been more aggressive with defoliation
I think they look fine. Less leaves wouldnt have changed much, a better light would.
Better off removing the lower budsites than the upper leaves.


Well-Known Member
Lights can only penetrate so far. If not using a quality light that penetration is lessened. Need to figure out how far light used can make quality buds and remove the rest. The better the light with training/tucking/defoliation
the more you can save. Everything that needs to be removed is larf its light, airy lesser quality and no good. You do not want to waste time trimming that shit