how do I improve my girl's flowering response?


Active Member

Although most of my girls flowered quite quickly [1 to 2 weeks] when I changed the bulb, photoperiod and nutrients, a couple have only just started to flower [8 weeks into flowering], though the rest have fat sticky buds.

Its something I'd really like to improve on for my next grow, though it may just have been a peculiarity of the strain/unstable genetics.

The plants that didn't flower were a bit smaller, a bit less leaf mass, and may have been shaded out by the others. What other factors are there that affect flowering response besides what I've mentioned here? Any tips or tricks I can use? I've heard about an extended period of darkness before the switch to 12/12, but not from anyone who had actually tried it.




Active Member
I have had that problem before and after research it was the strain.

I have heard of a dark period of 24 to 48hrs before switching to flower helps.

I just switch to 12/12 and have a few grows under my belt. The only time the plants didn't flower were when it was the strain. (I had 5 plants of the strain and only 1 of the 5 flowered while the others were slow and i ended up scrapping them)

good luck


Active Member
What??? Some of your plants started flowering at 8 weeks into flowering?
If that's the case, you have a light leak, or you gave those plants way way way too much nitrogen.

I've put plants that were only a week or two old and weren't mature enough to flower, but they started flowering in 2-3 weeks.

Also the 24-48 hours of darkness before flowering is supposed to decrease flowering by about a week, not speed up the start of flowering.


Active Member
thanks for the info [and the link] people, I hope it was just the strain...
Its Arjan's Ultra Haze #1, which I've heard elsewhere recently is a bit unstable; the plant that didn't flower was the also the only one that didn't conform to the usual phenotype - it displayed much more sativa-ey characteristics than the others, taller and skinnier...AUH#1 also has a notoriously long flowering time, which might have had something to do with it I guess.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't a light leak or too much N because I would have expected uniform problems, not isolated to just one plant... Thanks for the heads up though I didn't know too much N could cause a delay, but I can see why it might.

In the linked thread some relatively experienced growers seem to like a period of darkness at the beginning of flowering, so I think I'll try it next time and see what happens. Worst case scenario it has no effect and the girls miss out on 12 hours of light, right? No big.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the info [and the link] people, I hope it was just the strain...
Its Arjan's Ultra Haze #1, which I've heard elsewhere recently is a bit unstable; the plant that didn't flower was the also the only one that didn't conform to the usual phenotype - it displayed much more sativa-ey characteristics than the others, taller and skinnier...AUH#1 also has a notoriously long flowering time, which might have had something to do with it I guess.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't a light leak or too much N because I would have expected uniform problems, not isolated to just one plant... Thanks for the heads up though I didn't know too much N could cause a delay, but I can see why it might.

In the linked thread some relatively experienced growers seem to like a period of darkness at the beginning of flowering, so I think I'll try it next time and see what happens. Worst case scenario it has no effect and the girls miss out on 12 hours of light, right? No big.

Yup, i'll be flowering probably wed. night of my four, and will be doing 24 hrs dark from the time the lights kick off. It should give me enough time to get all set up the rest of the way without rushing.


Active Member
p.s. only 1 plant out of 5 flowering sucks btw
you have my sympathies Juke. Can I ask which strain?
It was White Label Fems White Diesel
I found other growers that were having problems with this strain as well.
Oh well live and learn, I did have paradise Sensi Star growing with it and that made up for it.
