How do I fix weak stem problems?


Active Member
I started growing about 3 months ago...I have 3 plants in flowering, 8 babies on their 4th nodes. 1 of my plants (which I named Paul Wall) has began to lean...LOL, this plant looks pretty retarded (the slow child of the bunch, 1 of my 3 ladies has a similar lean..but I dropped a fan on it in pre-flowering).

Because of these few...retarded plants growing is becoming quite amusing as well as fun lol, but I'd like to fix them!

What is the best way to strengthen a plants stem during younger stages of growth so they can hold the weight of buds better?


Active Member
What is the best way to strengthen a plants stem during younger stages of growth so they can hold the weight of buds better?

Pictures would sure help but what is the reason it's leaning? Because it's stretching or because the stem looks too thin to support the plant?

If it's stretching, add more soil right up to the first set of leaves to strengthen the stem. If it's just a weak plant, put a small chop stick (or something equivalent) into the soil as a stake and tie the plant to it.


Well-Known Member
i use cfl's and put a few 2700k in with the box of 6500k, it seemed to work for me, also, i used a a few fans blowing to the side just for airflow around the stem,


Well-Known Member
I had a weak stem on my Pot of Gold. It is now my bushiest plant.

Here is what i did.

I took some dry medium ( i run COCO ) and buried the stem a litte so that it stayed up. I kept this area dry rather than moist and when i watered i poured around the edges trying not to get the very centre of the pot.

I did this for around 7days and it perked right up and grew strong as hell!!



Active Member
Add some silica nute to your nute roundup. Can use every watering. Helps stem strength, thickness, & growth, plant stress levels and helps deal with drought and dryness. All around good additive.


Active Member
plant supports like tomato cages work really great while it gets stronger. i know we've pinched stems in the past for stronger and thicker stems without any damage to our outdoor plants.


Active Member
if they arnt flowering. i would have a small fan that is set to 1 that is some what a far distance where it doesn't break the stem and this help the plant focus on its stem for awhile so it will thicken up.


Well-Known Member
I've never had to use a chemical additive to strengthen any of my plants. All you need is a fan set on a speed high enough to rumble the plants around but not blow them over. It kind of like weight training for plants. Your other option, like previously stated is to stake them up with a stick or tomato cage, or whatever is proportional to the size of your plant.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Silica is sumthin u shood have regardless it is present in all outdoor soil and is vital building block to every plant not just pot.
I use silica blast by botanicare too. That and a nice roughhousing with a fan(within reason of course) and u will have nice strong stems that will be glad to hold up fat buds. Weak stems equal weak buds brother, make sum changes while there is still time.


New Member
Steroids !

I had a similar thing with 15 big bud plants but it wasn't a fan it was a couple of possums and rabbits, my plants got absolutely mulled, the stems were broken 180 degrees an the top of the plant was touching the ground an it had no leaves left on it. so i bent the stem back up into place, put a stick into the grown and tied the stem to the stick. it survived and was a female. there hardy plants i tell ya.

Hope this helps, good luck

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
if they arnt flowering. i would have a small fan that is set to 1 that is some what a far distance where it doesn't break the stem and this help the plant focus on its stem for awhile so it will thicken up.
Disregard this post.

U need a fan at all times, helps the plant respirate more which means quicker healthier growth and strengthens the stems like previously stated. Do urself a favor and get a nice oscillating one from wallyworld. I got a nice retro style one made of mostly metal, cost a little more but if u have anything the fan will get caught on while oscillating the cheap plastic ones will break almost instantly. They just don't make shit like they used to. I went thru three plastic ones before I found the one I'm talkin about at walmart. Hope u take this advice seriously silica and a fan blowin on them is sumthing that shouldn't even be considered, THEY ARE A NECESSITY.

Shake them hoes up,

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Especially in flowering, it helps prevent bud rot. Duhh. Damn why do noobs always have to chime in with sum dumb shit. "If u aren't in flowering use a fan" wth, did that even sound good in ur head? Jeez