How do I do this?


Well-Known Member
two options, cut it the long way dump the crap out and reroll it or dig it all out the open end and stuff it

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, i wish i could remember my first thing is fo'sho i didn't go to a web site to learn how to roll.


lol its cool and i figure yall will help and yall see the baggy about how much is that i paid 5$ did i get ripped?


Well-Known Member
I never could understand why somebody would take good weed and stuff it inside a crappy, cheap cigar wrapper. How can you taste the weed? Either learn to roll a joint or buy a damn pipe.


If thats all you have to use....

Take the black and mild, hold it straight up with the end you light facing down, and gently roll the bottom end between your fingers and knocking the tobacco out until about the first inch of the cigar is empty. Break your weed up as fine as you can (remove any seeds and stems) and carefully start stuffing it in the end of the cigar and use a pencil (or anything of similar size) to "tamp" your weed down a bit.

or you can just find something to use as a pipe.


Well-Known Member
If thats all you have to use....

Take the black and mild, hold it straight up with the end you light facing down, and gently roll the bottom end between your fingers and knocking the tobacco out until about the first inch of the cigar is empty. Break your weed up as fine as you can (remove any seeds and stems) and carefully start stuffing it in the end of the cigar and use a pencil (or anything of similar size) to "tamp" your weed down a bit.

or you can just find something to use as a pipe.
The fuck? all you gotta do is as mentioned split it down the middle longways, if its old you may want to lick the outside first before splitting, newbs should use a knife but I can break with fingers only. Anyway after you open it all the way up without breaking apart hopefully, get all the tobacco out I normally rip a tiny bit off the edge that goes in your mouth as tobacco can burn your lip. it sounds nasty but lick the inside of the blunt, now you can fill it and roll tight like a whitey. lick the outside of course to hold shut and sometimes you lose some of the covering on outside depending on brand but fuck it theres your blunt. If you cant roll joints your not going to be good at rolling blunts. Normally I get the end away from your mouth closed first up to half way then I can really tighten up the part that goes in your mouth and maybe redo the end and tighten a bit. Mine look like joints they are so nice, I only use when company is over


The fuck? all you gotta do is as mentioned split it down the middle longways, if its old you may want to lick the outside first before splitting, newbs should use a knife but I can break with fingers only. Anyway after you open it all the way up without breaking apart hopefully, get all the tobacco out I normally rip a tiny bit off the edge that goes in your mouth as tobacco can burn your lip. it sounds nasty but lick the inside of the blunt, now you can fill it and roll tight like a whitey. lick the outside of course to hold shut and sometimes you lose some of the covering on outside depending on brand but fuck it theres your blunt. If you cant roll joints your not going to be good at rolling blunts. Normally I get the end away from your mouth closed first up to half way then I can really tighten up the part that goes in your mouth and maybe redo the end and tighten a bit. Mine look like joints they are so nice, I only use when company is over
I hear ya man, but I'm assuming he's never rolled anything and that might be a bit much. If hes new and just looking to toke I gave him that method 'cause he'll prolly end up tearing the only 2 he's got trying to roll for the first time.