how do i cool my water ??????

my RES is too big for a dorm fridge
mine is @ <=85 wtf why is mine sooo HOT. thats lame
what exactly happens to plants if water is @ 90 degrees ?


Well-Known Member
they can develop root rot which is a slime like substance that grows on the root system... check ur roots asap for this rot... simply (if possible) look at the roots for a snot/slime like substance... gently feel the roots with ur hand and feel for a slime.. if u got it then it needs addressed or it can mess up ur plants.. there is a way to get rid of root rot if you have it so dont worry

my RES is too big for a dorm fridge
mine is @ <=85 wtf why is mine sooo HOT. thats lame
what exactly happens to plants if water is @ 90 degrees ?


Active Member
your RES isnt to big for a dorm fridge I have a 120 reef tank that use dorm on. all you need to do is add more hose keep coiling it up the fridge it will slow down the water allowing more time in the fridge thus cooling the water down. so unless you have a huge RES I see no reason you can't use a dorm use 50 feet of hose from hd or lowes trust me it works great. find a reef keepers site and there are many DIY set ups on then, heat is a major factor when keeping reefs in fhehome. we use just as much light on them as we do in our grows

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I must be missing something here, but if your rez temps are in the 90s, WTF is your ambient air temp?

And why are you asking for tips on how to cool your rez when the real problem is that your air temp must be 100+?

Figure out how to get your air temp down and the rez will take care of it's cheaper to buy a couple of fans than a 1/2HP water cooler.

The rez temps are a symptom, not the problem.

Good luck.
Well, I'm familiar with root rot on aquatic plants.

If you have a 40g system, with a temp above 90F and need to lower it by 10-20 degrees you would need a 1/10th hp chiller, Aqua Euro USA 1/10th HP unit runs $329.99.

You might get away with the 1/13th HP model, which is rated to cool a 30g system by a max of 20 degrees F. This unit runs $299.99, so theres not much of a price difference, but the cooling capacity is quite a bit larger.

Is the area where the unit would sit closed in or is it well ventilated?


Well-Known Member
use a dorm room fridge you can pick one up used on do for close to nothing all you do is drill a hole the size of you hose. coil it up in the fridge and use foam to seal the holes. the ridge even had a temp control so you can dial it exact temp you arelloking for
see post #12 - and also, pray that when you drill through the sidewall of the fridge, you dont hit any of the high pressure refrigeration lines... they are weaved all over all sides of the fridge..

nothing will beat the consistency of a water chiller
btw, what is the ambient room temp? and what kind of lights are you running? and is there any ventilation near the lights? (ie: fans blowing air in and pulling it out)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
btw, what is the ambient room temp? and what kind of lights are you running? and is there any ventilation near the lights? (ie: fans blowing air in and pulling it out)
I was beginning to think I was crazy - what good is it to have your rez at 68 if your air's at 110?
my room temp IS NOT THE PROBLEM it is at a constant 77 my RES TEMP IS THE PROBLEM it is at a constant 90 im running a single 1000 MH HORTILUX BLUE
the pic below is during set up and is like a week old


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
my room temp IS NOT THE PROBLEM it is at a constant 77 my RES TEMP IS THE PROBLEM it is at a constant 90 im running a single 1000 MH HORTILUX BLUE
the pic below is during set up and is like a week old
Those two numbers don't make sense, dude.

Unless you have a 400 watt heater in your rez, in which case I'd say "turn it off".

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
your lid is black, paint everything white so it doesn't absorb light and get warm its the whole hot blacktop on a sunny day thing the ambient tep will be 80 but the blacktop surface temp will be 110. buy a new car radiator and a window fan and hook that up if you have too in another room a new radiator is cheaper than a water cooler you can get one for 200 just make sure it hasn't had anti freeze in it


Elite Rolling Society
The temp of the water in the res is relative to the temp of the room, for sure. Cool the room, and the res water will be cooler.
You can insulate the res with heat shild blankets or sun refector blankets or insulation or a number of things. I 've seen many many hydro growers with the same problem, and cooling the room or grow space is what you ened to do, to get the water cooler.
Bob Smith was right on target.
i think it might be the heat from my submersible? that is heating the water possibly... my water seems to stay about 13-15 degrees hotter than the room


Elite Rolling Society
One time I saw a member's tent on here, complaining of heat. He had his AIR PUMP under one of the HID lights, blowing heated air in his water.