How do i"break the ice" and smoke with my dad

mann... ... ... sometimes somethings are beyond repair.. i know it sucks mann.. but give it time.. give him constant opportunity to open up to you and let it loose.. sounds to me like your pop's been thru sum shit. but doesn't mean he's gotta come atchu like that. anytime he comes at you like again.. just tell himm.. dad i respect you and love you.. and im here to talk to you if you need somebody. and then let him know you would like to talk to him bout some things as well if he's up to it.. open up to him slowly mann.. recovery takes time.. that's some fucked up shit to say to your child tho. im sorry mann. i guess im the lucky one in this case.. never really knew my dad so i guess he doesn't really have to power to hurt me.. as for you maybe you can ask your mom more about your dad? get to really know about him.. no matter how good you THINK you know himm.. you never truly will unless you make that step.
well i know my dads been in prison for buyin 100lbs of weed back before i was born his parents wernt really his parents he was hit as a child he was a coke addic along time ago hes been through hell and back and i just want a real dad like when i was younger im gettin a lil bit of bud so im wanting to try and smoke with him but idk its just idk how to explain it


Active Member
Here's what you do... get your bud, and since your mom and sis are gone, go up to him and tell him you really need to talk to him, man to man... if he seems hesitant, have a joint/blunt/bowl ready, and say 'I have something that I think will make it easier on both of us...' and that it would mean a lot to you to be able to talk to him on any level. Reassure him that it's just between you two (the smoking and the talking)... let him know that you feel like you don't know him, but want to. It's all a matter of coming to him with respect


Well-Known Member
Allright, after reading this thread, and having a similar situation with my parents, here's what I have to say on the matter. I'm 27 now, and 3 days ago i had my mom tell me that i've done nothing but cause her problems for the past 20 years. Five minutes ago, i just smoked her out with some bud with BHO(hash oil) on it. We've been smoking for years and relationship is about the same. We have a rocky relationship, but as you get older you'll see how things work.

Once you become your own man, grow up and take on your responsibilities a bit more, your father will cut you some slack. As it goes right now, he's your sole provider in life. He gives you a place to live, food, and money for pop and pot. I'm pretty sure once you get a job and start paying some of your own bills he'll start to come around. He just wants the best for you, but doesn't know how to convey that to you. It's hard for him, because i'm sure he has some sort of idea of the man he wants you to became, and any deviation from his expectations have to be be confusing.

Here's the deal, though. No amount of pot smoking is going to make things right, and if you really want to fix your relationship with you father you need to go to some sort of therapy. It's good that you want to talk about it, but maybe RIU isn't the best place to lay your life story on the table. I'm not saying we can't give you good advice, but a therapist can give you PROFESSIONAL advice to both you and your father at the same time. My advice is as good and anyone else on RIU, but i suggest you seek help from someone who can give you better insight than the average joe.

I really hope you can work things out, and I wish you and your family the best!
Allright, after reading this thread, and having a similar situation with my parents, here's what I have to say on the matter. I'm 27 now, and 3 days ago i had my mom tell me that i've done nothing but cause her problems for the past 20 years. Five minutes ago, i just smoked her out with some bud with BHO(hash oil) on it. We've been smoking for years and relationship is about the same. We have a rocky relationship, but as you get older you'll see how things work.

Once you become your own man, grow up and take on your responsibilities a bit more, your father will cut you some slack. As it goes right now, he's your sole provider in life. He gives you a place to live, food, and money for pop and pot. I'm pretty sure once you get a job and start paying some of your own bills he'll start to come around. He just wants the best for you, but doesn't know how to convey that to you. It's hard for him, because i'm sure he has some sort of idea of the man he wants you to became, and any deviation from his expectations have to be be confusing.

Here's the deal, though. No amount of pot smoking is going to make things right, and if you really want to fix your relationship with you father you need to go to some sort of therapy. It's good that you want to talk about it, but maybe RIU isn't the best place to lay your life story on the table. I'm not saying we can't give you good advice, but a therapist can give you PROFESSIONAL advice to both you and your father at the same time. My advice is as good and anyone else on RIU, but i suggest you seek help from someone who can give you better insight than the average joe.

I really hope you can work things out, and I wish you and your family the best!

thanks but i have a theripist and my last one ditched me my dad wont see one and if i say somethin about my dad to her and he has to come in ill be in trouble i just want to smoke some bud with my pop but idk if he would want to cus hes secritive and i make my own money for pot so idk i buy pop from the store down the street and he always kinda stalks me in his truck to make sure im not buyin pot but its cold and i ask for a ride since he stalks me anyways hes like no i dont have the gas to go down there so i ride my bike look behide me and see him:/


Active Member
Wow... um, never had a parent stalk me, so I'm kinda drawing a blank... He really doesn't seem to trust you @ all!


Well-Known Member
Pretty complicated issues here. I read the entire thread and all I can say is that if you are apprehensive about asking your dad to smoke, then don't do it. If you go into it nervous or scared and he says yeah, things might get awkward once you are high. That's just me though. I'm more of an introspective smoker these days.

Let me share my "smoking with dad" story though. The summer before I turned 16 I worked and saved all summer to buy my own car when I turned 16. So, I walk out of the house to go to school one morning and my truck is gone. Thinking what the hell! So I go back inside and see a note my dad left that I missed saying his car wouldn't start and he needed to get to work so he took my truck, sorry. It was cool, obviously he needed to get to work and one of my good friends lived right across the street so I got a ride with him that day. So I come home from school that day and the phone is ringing. It was the old man. After a very brief conversation he says, "oh, btw, we need to talk about this STUFF I found in your asstray." Being 16 and having the typical mentality that nothing bad could ever happen, I left a few roaches in my ashtray. At think point I'm thinking I'm screwed, I'm never smoking again, how stupid could I be, and so on and so forth. Well he picks me up and as we are driving around I'm getting the lecture about how irresponsible that was, and how he could have gotten fired from work if someone happened to look inside and see it, or how he could have gotten arrested if he got pulled over, etc, etc. Then he comes off with, and I'll NEVER forget it, "you know, I don't care if you smoke, I did it when I was your age and still do sometime, but don't be that stupid to leave roaches in your ashtray in plain sight for any John Q. Law to see." Don't think I was ever that relieved in my life. I was thinking he was going to take my truck off me and who knows what else. That was the end of it.

Fast forward 2 years later. I had just turned 18 and we were up his friend camp for the opening day of trout season. Since I was about 15 or 16, I had always been allowed to have a few beers up the camp as long as mom didn't find out. Even at 18, I knew the truth about marijuana. It wasn't evil and for the most part was harmless. Back then, and still now, I feel alcohol is by far more dangerous of a drug. So I figured, if we drink together, why can't we smoke together? I was a little hesitant. I've calmed down a lot since then but I guess I'm still what you would call slightly high strung. Well, he beat me to it. He told me to come out back to see the new deck he and his friend put on the cabin a few weeks prior. That's when he pulled out a little one hitter made out of plumbing fittings. We each had a few puffs and started talking about weed in general. How much I pay, how good the stuff is around these day, how much he paid back in the day, etc. Typical old head/young guy weed talk. The conversation kind of just died and it started to get awkward so we went back in. That was over 10 years ago and we haven't smoked together since. It was just too awkward for me. Think when he saw how uncomfortable I was that made him feel weird too. We've talked about it a few times, but he says he doesn't smoke anymore, which I sort of believe.

At any rate, the choice is yours and yours alone. Like I said, if you are hesitant to do it, then I wouldn't. Almost like taking mushrooms or LSD. If you go into it thinking you are going to have a bad time then there's a good chance you will. If you think you are going to have a great time thn you probably will.


Active Member
I think you should do it man! I mean since he already knows you smoke then you 2 could get baked and talk about stuff. If your affraid about him raiding your room and taking all your stash you bought then hide it in the garage right before you ask him if he wants to toke with you. I really don't think he will freak out on you about it. Just think, if everything goes good, then you could be patching up everything between you. Worst case is he says some messed up stuff like normal. It can only get better!


Well-Known Member
Im sure theres plenty of people who have smoked with their dad but i wouldn't say its a good idea. Your dads trying to be a role model, no matter how much of an asshole he is, hes tryin to help you. Once he accepts his son smokes weed and isnt stoppin soon, maybe he can accept a joint or a bowl. Either way, you need to fix anything up that youve been fighting over. You wont get on his good side by doing something he opposes.
I think you should do it man! I mean since he already knows you smoke then you 2 could get baked and talk about stuff. If your affraid about him raiding your room and taking all your stash you bought then hide it in the garage right before you ask him if he wants to toke with you. I really don't think he will freak out on you about it. Just think, if everything goes good, then you could be patching up everything between you. Worst case is he says some messed up stuff like normal. It can only get better!
lol i cant put it in the garage my room is the old garage and then his little slab of the garage he left hiself left is his little "hobby" area and when he dose everyones landry i know hes tokin it out in there so ill walk in there and hes super like hides it so ill go in there and he wont say a word im like were dose this movie go he points to the den and im like ok and he runs out the side door to let it out cus hes holdin it in and hes disgressive about smokin even with me
Im sure theres plenty of people who have smoked with their dad but i wouldn't say its a good idea. Your dads trying to be a role model, no matter how much of an asshole he is, hes tryin to help you. Once he accepts his son smokes weed and isnt stoppin soon, maybe he can accept a joint or a bowl. Either way, you need to fix anything up that youve been fighting over. You wont get on his good side by doing something he opposes.
im buyin him a gift for his annaversary next month and heres a link and its a good pipe and then im goin to have a "shit" gift for show and give that to him later on

Papa Raazi

I didn't read any other posts yet so sorry if i repeat an idea

What you should do is ask him if he wants to chill and watch a movie wit you,
Watch a movie specifically about weed like half baked, friday, pineapple express w.e,
Make small comments during specific parts that hint towards the fact that you smoke weed,
as you progress through the movie make small comments that hint toward the fact that you WANT to smoke weed
ask him "have u ever smoked pot" dont matter what he says ask him if he wants to
come clean, show em ur stash, blaze n have fun, the movie will be alot better now

ex) Timmy wants to blaze up wit his dad

Timmy: Hey dad wanna watch a movie?
Dad: sure which one?
Timmy: half baked
Dad: heheh ok then

*few hours pass*

Timmy: you think they should legalize this?
Dad: i see no harm in that
Timmy: were the laws more strict when you were my age?
Dad: yep, I couldnt get away with anything
Timmy: did you smoke pot?
Dad: yep...mountains
Dad: do you?
Timmy: a bit
Timmy: do you smoke now?
Dad: hehehe ye
Timmy: wanna get high?
Dad: sure
Timmy: k i got a dimebag in my room
Dad: no need i got some homegrown blueberry in my sock drawer

I had time..