how do growers sell their weed?

if you grow your own weed, do you sell it to dealers? sell it to your friends in grams or get rid of it bulk to random people looking for alot of weed? post it up! Thanks in advance :D
either or man. Where i live i could sell it to all my friends in like grams or just sell to people in ounces and let them deal with the little shit, id rather do it the that way because then you arent always selling small amounts to people and risking getting caught instead of making like 1 transaction.


Active Member
I havent asked about that but if I have an excess of medicine i will probably sell it to a club if thats legal. Dont know the laws on that yet


Sector 5 Moderator
It's the OP's second post. Legit question but there are ways to ask it without crossing the line, if you know what I mean.