How do citizens of other nations perceive America?

Once more ....poor sanctioned Russians are having to clean up 'mericas mess, in Syria and other asshole shit zones, what planet earth don't like 'merica ...the list is toooo long!
..but claiming to to be the richest country on earth, the most advanced, whilst being 2 millimeters from bankruptcy, owing trillions to China and the inability of its elected leader to control guns, spying on every pc in the world, and yet not doing a thing about terrorism is a joke, lets just leave 911 out of it for now..? ...yawn!!!!
I just asked my buddy ...he says 'Land of the Drumps' ... as most mericans see donald drump, is how the world sees 'merica ...thats very polite for a priest
Once more ....poor sanctioned Russians are having to clean up 'mericas mess, in Syria and other asshole shit zones, what planet earth don't like 'merica ...the list is toooo long!
..but claiming to to be the richest country on earth, the most advanced, whilst being 2 millimeters from bankruptcy, owing trillions to China and the inability of its elected leader to control guns, spying on every pc in the world, and yet not doing a thing about terrorism is a joke, lets just leave 911 out of it for now..? ...yawn!!!!
Yea we're all poor and the country is going under. Keep telling yourself that. In like seconds we're going to be broke. Not a chance friend. Never, Never ever!!!!!!!
Corruption, materialistic, guns... But mostly corruption iIjust hate that the world thinks American citizens are like that it's your fucked up gov that's what you all see on TV so it's easy to perceive it as truth. Was camping in Amsterdam and some Americans invited me into their tent had a great smoke and a laugh it's the leaders that's the problem
I am curious to know what the perception of America is by citizens of other nations.
If you are not an American citizen, comment and let us know how you perceive America.
You mean the have nots? They fucking hate us of course. Cause we're fucking dominant. We don't have a culture. We are the norm. If you're American then good.
Next question is if you're a man or woman. Men are dominant over women.
Next is if you're straight or homosexual. Straights are superior to gays.
Next is if you're Caucasian or some other minority race. You know the answer. I would say what's the lowest race but you could guess that.
Next is money and education are you smart and rich, or poor and stupid and if you're the latter, how do you perceive the former.
Next is if you're disabled or still got your arms and legs working.

Basically you wanna be a straight white male American with an education and money with both arms and legs if you wanna be at the top.
Once more ....poor sanctioned Russians are having to clean up 'mericas mess, in Syria and other asshole shit zones, what planet earth don't like 'merica ...the list is toooo long!
..but claiming to to be the richest country on earth, the most advanced, whilst being 2 millimeters from bankruptcy, owing trillions to China and the inability of its elected leader to control guns, spying on every pc in the world, and yet not doing a thing about terrorism is a joke, lets just leave 911 out of it for now..? ...yawn!!!!
America will just bomb the Pentagon again destroy more computers and damn were.out of debt again amazing..... America were all fucked
This thread was not intended to bash America. I was just curious how other countries perceive us. I love me some Merica.
Ok I'll bite. Countries do not perceive, people do. Further how much arrogance does it take to speak for an entire country? You think there is any country on the face of this earth that has a cohesive vox populi?

The official take is a country's ambassadors and if you think you can get a straight word out of them, well, history states otherwise. That being said with the saturation the internet has it's about time to do away with representative governments. That paradigm's time has passed. It's about time for world government by everyone. Yeah I'm that crazy, LOL.
Ok I'll bite. Countries do not perceive, people do. Further how much arrogance does it take to speak for an entire country? You think there is any country on the face of this earth that has a cohesive vox populi?

The official take is a country's ambassadors and if you think you can get a straight word out of them, well, history states otherwise. That being said with the saturation the internet has it's about time to do away with representative governments. That paradigm's time has passed. It's about time for world government by everyone. Yeah I'm that crazy, LOL.

You seem to have not read the title to the thread. When you do, get back to me toots.