How did you stumble upon the RC world?


Active Member
What exactly was it that sparked your interest in research chemicals? Some of us have only been here a few months, like myself, and others are seasoned veterans. But we were all rookies at one point. So how did you get started with research chemicals, and which chemical was the first to arouse your interest? I'll go first.... (unless this is repost thread)

It was October 2010, and i regularly interned in the Emergency Department of a hospital. One morning, i see a memo posted throughout the ER. It was alerting the ER staff about this "new drug" that teens are smoking to get high.

The memo described this drug as synthetic marijuana that closely mimics actual marijuana, but is not detected on drug screens. Teens have been admitted to ERs across the country complaining of extreme delusions, paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations. I immediately think.... AWSOME!!:-P But why smoke this unknown crap if you can just smoke weed?

Once I came to the realization that i need to take a break from weed for an undisclosed amount of time, i began thinking that smoking this synthetic weed was not so bad, however, i do not like the idea of consuming something, only having a rough idea as to what its contents are. I decided that i was going to make my own synthetic blend, so began researching the herbs and chemicals used to make synthetic smoking blends, and my research led me here, and to some knowledgeable individuals who have guided and continue to guide my journey into the realm of research chemicals.

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Rodart Cockburn

New Member
I was introduced to the notion of RC's about 2 years ago. At that point I had only tried LSD once and had a hankering to try it again, but being unable to acquire it I turned to look for the most suitable replacement. I really don't know what chemicals I had been interested in the most in progression, its always changing, but eventually I came across one that sparked my enthusiasm and I began the search to find a outlet for it and that led to quite a journey and quite a large collection of exotic and notorious samples.

I have been here for about two years, but never changed the password on my account from the generated one and lost it when I cleaned my email account one day.


Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
ok this may sound stupid but wat does RC mean? im pretty sure i know wat they are....sid,shrooms,all the 2c watever watever, right?

that being said..ive only done shrooms and smoke bud. i actually started smoking when i was a senior in high school, super strict parents. i had friends that did coke, perks,zanax, but never wanted to do them. acid and shrooms always sparked my interest, but didnt and still dont know many people that mess with it. i also remeber in high school i took a psychology class that i loved. and read about some drugs which kept my interest up....found this site and others..some movies and u know im still learning about these goodies. so thats my story..and im sticking to it lol


Well-Known Member
What exactly was it that sparked your interest in research chemicals? Some of us have only been here a few months, like myself, and others are seasoned veterans. But we were all rookies at one point. So how did you get started with research chemicals, and which chemical was the first to arouse your interest? I'll go first.... (unless this is repost thread)

It was October 2010, and i regularly interned in the Emergency Department of a hospital. One morning, i see a memo posted throughout the ER. It was alerting the ER staff about this "new drug" that teens are smoking to get high.

The memo described this drug as synthetic marijuana that closely mimics actual marijuana, but is not detected on drug screens. Teens have been admitted to ERs across the country complaining of extreme delusions, paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations. I immediately think.... AWSOME!!:-P But why smoke this unknown crap if you can just smoke weed?

Once I came to the realization that i need to take a break from weed for an undisclosed amount of time, i began thinking that smoking this synthetic weed was not so bad, however, i do not like the idea of consuming something, only having a rough idea as to what its contents are. I decided that i was going to make my own synthetic blend, so began researching the herbs and chemicals used to make synthetic smoking blends, and my research led me here, and to some knowledgeable individuals who have guided and continue to guide my journey into the realm of research chemicals.

Share your stories
Ha I think I presented this question to you when we first spoke ;)


Active Member
Im still new to the world of rc's but recently (withing the past few weeks) ive become immersed in reading about every single one. I first discovered this world a year or so ago watching nurosoup on youtube. She did a trip report on 2cb and I became fascinated... Then I stopped thinking about rc's for a while but recently took up reading about them again and have since been reading non-stop. I cant wait to get my hands on some but I have a long list of other trips i need to get through first... (acid, mushrooms... again, ecstasy... again) then maybe ill get to ordering some rc's.


Well-Known Member
o i thot this was a rc cola thread i think i goin to it when i found out i can get fucked up off of medication and i always loved chemistry but im no pro i jus like know what im takin


Active Member
had a few grams of jwh 018, ok but i like the weed better, wnat to try some of the 2c's but i'm usnsure of a good vendor, willprobably do dmt extraction next


Active Member
o i thot this was a rc cola thread i think i goin to it when i found out i can get fucked up off of medication and i always loved chemistry but im no pro i jus like know what im takin
Hahahaha I first discovered rc cola in i think 5th or 6th grade.... I just thought it was cool that there was a notable brand of cola that wasnt pepsi or coke.... and it wasnt a cheap store brand.. it was mindblowing!


Well-Known Member
what exactly sparked my interest for research chemicals, you ask????

why Roll It Up did my good sir! :)

however, i have never tried any RCs but it sounds 2cb may be the first culprit in the near future.

heir proctor

New Member
It was the 90s and the 2Cs were a big deal. 2C-B notably.
Damn. That's awesome, I kind of wish I was of an age to be interested when they first hit the scene. As it is, I had no idea what they were until maybe 2009. I was still in high school and selling weed at the time. A friend I worked withs roommate had some pressed 2ce pills that he sold me. I never even ate any, just sold them all...

A bit later, I was browsing erowids I think and came across the 2c's and thought holy fuck I can order these drugs off the internet "legally"?!?!

And so earlier this year I got really into the notion and scoured the webs for a vendor and made my account here. I dunno if any of you remember but my first post was actually one asking for the name of a vendor or where to look or something. I was so naive haha!

After about a month of searching I found what I was looking for. And here I am now. I have done plenty of research on the webs but am still very new to the scene. I'm coming a long though!


Well-Known Member
I had heard about research chemicals in the past, but in my town so much LSD had been going through I had not been worried or bothered to try it. However 3 or 4 weeks ago, my past girlfriend and I broke up over some bullshit. heh, but since then its just been this blind bing into the world, I started changing hands with quad stacks telling everyone they were triples and rolling everyday for like 2 weeks and being able to get pure Mollie and laugh as my ex was bragging to me about the vary rolls I gave her through another face making 30 or 40 dollars in the process. so anyways, She had found out I had mollie and decided to go through one of my peddlers for it, who ended up getting her methalone, and boy was she pissed. I didn't find out about this in till I was at the after party at a hookah bar, so we went into the bathroom, popped 2 or 3 quad stacks and did a couple bumps of mollie, And to my surprise someone selling RC's is chilling.Now I was chilling with two people who had never tripped before, And even though this girl was my ex, I was still very pissed this guy went out of his way to get methalone and pass it off as Mollie. so, I took the profit they made off my past girlfriend, and i bought us all 2cP. two days later we were done tripping haha, and I talked to his little methalone connect, and stopped transactions between that guy and him. a day later and it was Monday, I had decided to quit rolling, but my investigation Research chemicals was not over. To much money I had made prior not to be. So I did 2cE and for 2 or 3 hours I was having intense feelings about my surroundings (because all the bro's had gotten kicked out of a rave downtown, which meant the local artist painting and the locals were left which was awesome, but the violence was making me feel some kind of ways) but when we finally went to the after party around 2 I started tripping extremely hard because the whole environment felt like a new york trip house, stayed there intill about 7 left.

now the day was last Friday. one of my jobs once a month is to basically be event staff, help set up or paint and construct a theme for a rave at a different hookah bar then the one i mentioned earlier. This particular venue is 21+ but since i've been working for them since august they dont mind that I stick around, make money have a good time and party with the locals. anywayys, So we set up early because this event was the first to start at 5 pm because it was such a beautiful day. So after the set up was done we made our way to my friends house about a block or two away from the venue, bare in mind the venue is 40 feet away from liquor store and about 2 or 3 blocks from my friends house. so since I can't drink My friends feel bad and we all go in for 2 bottles of 30-30 tequila, 5 people and alot of shots later, the bottles are gone and its time to go. oh yeah btw, Im bringing a massive crowd to this venue because I have a half a sheet trying to visit other peoples mind. so about an hour later they find out I was drunk, they say I can't go inside anymore and they refund me my money. feeling extremely bored, I decide to drop two hits, abruptly around the same time, My shrooms connect comes in, we exhange hands, and suddenly He drops a teenth into my hand and says "do with it what you will" at this point, I am around the corner tripping, and my past girlfriend comes to sit with me? at first she had tried to get a good deal for her and her current boyfriend, but i was like "fuck you guys lol" so her boyfriend left because he was underage and couldn't get in, so as she sit nexts to me, she says all sorts of interesting comments and I'm just essentially losing my mind talking plenty of nonsense. So finally I work up the courage to go back to the gypsy after staring at the sky and laying on a bench safely hidden in a very comfortable area. and to my surprise the bouncer was like "your no longer drunk so you can come back in" ha ha. interesting enough right?

now the after party is where it gets interesting.. these guys had gotten sold some foxy in the form of Mollie at a dirt cheap price. ha ha, so these guys are going havoc because they passed alot of this stuff around to there friends, and the DJ's and it was just one huge mystery chemical meltdown. so they had to go, but not before I got there number. and the following night, I was on foxy, and I've been pedaling that for about 3 or 4 days now? to this point.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I had heard about research chemicals in the past, but in my town so much LSD had been going through I had not been worried or bothered to try it. However 3 or 4 weeks ago, my past girlfriend and I broke up over some bullshit. heh, but since then its just been this blind bing into the world, I started changing hands with quad stacks telling everyone they were triples and rolling everyday for like 2 weeks and being able to get pure Mollie and laugh as my ex was bragging to me about the vary rolls I gave her through another face making 30 or 40 dollars in the process. so anyways, She had found out I had mollie and decided to go through one of my peddlers for it, who ended up getting her methalone, and boy was she pissed. I didn't find out about this in till I was at the after party at a hookah bar, so we went into the bathroom, popped 2 or 3 quad stacks and did a couple bumps of mollie, And to my surprise someone selling RC's is chilling.Now I was chilling with two people who had never tripped before, And even though this girl was my ex, I was still very pissed this guy went out of his way to get methalone and pass it off as Mollie. so, I took the profit they made off my past girlfriend, and i bought us all 2cP. two days later we were done tripping haha, and I talked to his little methalone connect, and stopped transactions between that guy and him. a day later and it was Monday, I had decided to quit rolling, but my investigation Research chemicals was not over. To much money I had made prior not to be. So I did 2cE and for 2 or 3 hours I was having intense feelings about my surroundings (because all the bro's had gotten kicked out of a rave downtown, which meant the local artist painting and the locals were left which was awesome, but the violence was making me feel some kind of ways) but when we finally went to the after party around 2 I started tripping extremely hard because the whole environment felt like a new york trip house, stayed there intill about 7 left.

now the day was last Friday. one of my jobs once a month is to basically be event staff, help set up or paint and construct a theme for a rave at a different hookah bar then the one i mentioned earlier. This particular venue is 21+ but since i've been working for them since august they dont mind that I stick around, make money have a good time and party with the locals. anywayys, So we set up early because this event was the first to start at 5 pm because it was such a beautiful day. So after the set up was done we made our way to my friends house about a block or two away from the venue, bare in mind the venue is 40 feet away from liquor store and about 2 or 3 blocks from my friends house. so since I can't drink My friends feel bad and we all go in for 2 bottles of 30-30 tequila, 5 people and alot of shots later, the bottles are gone and its time to go. oh yeah btw, Im bringing a massive crowd to this venue because I have a half a sheet trying to visit other peoples mind. so about an hour later they find out I was drunk, they say I can't go inside anymore and they refund me my money. feeling extremely bored, I decide to drop two hits, abruptly around the same time, My shrooms connect comes in, we exhange hands, and suddenly He drops a teenth into my hand and says "do with it what you will" at this point, I am around the corner tripping, and my past girlfriend comes to sit with me? at first she had tried to get a good deal for her and her current boyfriend, but i was like "fuck you guys lol" so her boyfriend left because he was underage and couldn't get in, so as she sit nexts to me, she says all sorts of interesting comments and I'm just essentially losing my mind talking plenty of nonsense. So finally I work up the courage to go back to the gypsy after staring at the sky and laying on a bench safely hidden in a very comfortable area. and to my surprise the bouncer was like "your no longer drunk so you can come back in" ha ha. interesting enough right?

now the after party is where it gets interesting.. these guys had gotten sold some foxy in the form of Mollie at a dirt cheap price. ha ha, so these guys are going havoc because they passed alot of this stuff around to there friends, and the DJ's and it was just one huge mystery chemical meltdown. so they had to go, but not before I got there number. and the following night, I was on foxy, and I've been pedaling that for about 3 or 4 days now? to this point.
See, this is what I don't like to see happening to RCs. Alot of the things that happen in this cautionary and Erowid worthy tale are the reasons why RCs become illegal.


Well-Known Member
research chemicals became illegal because they are a substance that alters your state of mind and people find the appeal in that. 2cP if you take 3 doses of it can cause parkinsons, Now I've had my fun with them, and my exploration has come to an end. Foxy Is considered a love drug and since its apparently the best drug to have sex on according to erowid, People see the appeal in it and want to try it, So while my story makes you disapointed, those drugs were doomed since the 90's, trust me, My connect into the 2c's and other various RC'S is a cousin of Shulgin himself.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Wh00p !
Way 2 tL .. but I have read it !
You paint a clear picture of
what is up there.

Sir please have your Brain reprogrammed quickly ... as you are going to expire.
You are still at your Mothers Breast ... and have not even developed.
You are not of age to even drink .... Pup !
Nightmare scenarios in near future.
I tell you this.

I rep YOU for candor. I pose NO harm.
But you are dangerous to yourself and people around you ... and the RC scene.

People like You are why kids die !

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
research chemicals became illegal because they are a substance that alters your state of mind and people find the appeal in that. 2cP if you take 3 doses of it can cause parkinsons, Now I've had my fun with them, and my exploration has come to an end. Foxy Is considered a love drug and since its apparently the best drug to have sex on according to erowid, People see the appeal in it and want to try it, So while my story makes you disapointed, those drugs were doomed since the 90's, trust me, My connect into the 2c's and other various RC'S is a cousin of Shulgin himself.
Hahaha. No. That is all I'll say. No.