How did you learn to grow?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I never had someone there to walk me through a grow. I wish I had because it would've saved months if not years of trial and error. Basically when I was about 14 I decided I wanted to grow pot and looked to the most available resource, the internet. I surfed around a lot using google as my main means of find information. I stumbled across a few guides which looking back on were completely ridiculous. One of them said to save up your seeds and throw a handful into a raised flower bed and wait. Once they were grown it said to remove the small weak ones and went on to say you should just hang the hole plant out to dry and smoke it.
I moved on form this website and years later found RollItUp since then I lurked these forums for years learning everything I have ever needed and I still learn new techniques on here often.
I just want to know how you guys learned to grow and what was the best resource you had?


Well-Known Member
I got into it when I was a junior in high school because my uncle grew every summer but he really never knew how to harvest and get some proper bud, he didn't even smoke, I really don't know why he grew. Well anyways ever since then he has let me use his backyard to do my own grows, everything I know was from doing my own research and reading anything to do with growing. The majority of my harvest have been successful. I'm really not the type that like guidance, I like doing everything solo.


Well-Known Member
I got into it when I was a junior in high school because my uncle grew every summer but he really never knew how to harvest and get some proper bud, he didn't even smoke, I really don't know why he grew. Well anyways ever since then he has let me use his backyard to do my own grows, everything I know was from doing my own research and reading anything to do with growing. The majority of my harvest have been successful. I'm really not the type that like guidance, I like doing everything solo.
Thats pretty cool.
I just found out that my uncle grows too. I wish I knew that back then. :wall:


Well-Known Member
No better place than ansterdam i worked over there for two years has a joiner.I worked and earnt more money building grow rooms at the weekends.the cannabis cup don't just go to amsterdam for the weed i go to get has much info on new products has possible.I grow cronic made me get of my arse and build my own room and that was time ago now.Up till then i was in a joint operation with a friend.See more buds is one of the best watch dvds around these guys realy know there stuff i still watch that now.Any new growers reading this these are a must watch dvd's 1/2/3 show you what to do and what not to do.


Well-Known Member
No better place than ansterdam i worked over there for two years has a joiner.I worked and earnt more money building grow rooms at the weekends.the cannabis cup don't just go to amsterdam for the weed i go to get has much info on new products has possible.I grow cronic made me get of my arse and build my own room and that was time ago now.Up till then i was in a joint operation with a friend.See more buds is one of the best watch dvds around these guys realy know there stuff i still watch that now.Any new growers reading this these are a must watch dvd's 1/2/3 show you what to do and what not to do.
Woah. That sounds really interesting. Did you have good connections there or did you just go to a newspaper's help wanted section? I would love to build grow setups as a job. Sounds like you have lived a pretty interesting Life tyke.


Sector 5 Moderator
No better place than ansterdam i worked over there for two years has a joiner.I worked and earnt more money building grow rooms at the weekends.the cannabis cup don't just go to amsterdam for the weed i go to get has much info on new products has possible.I grow cronic made me get of my arse and build my own room and that was time ago now.Up till then i was in a joint operation with a friend.See more buds is one of the best watch dvds around these guys realy know there stuff i still watch that now.Any new growers reading this these are a must watch dvd's 1/2/3 show you what to do and what not to do.
Everything I've learned about growing has come from RIU. I absolutely agree with you about See More Buds; the man has got it down to a fine art / science. Buying his videos should be the first thing anyone invests in; they can save you hundreds of dollars and months, if not years of frustration and failed grows. Think of them as "crop insurance".


Well-Known Member
i learned the hard way.. trial and error over an extended period of time... it was until a few years after i started growing that i found RIU.. so now i try to spread as much of my experineces (good or bad) with everyone here.. i wish i hadnt been so dense and looked for help earlier in my career tho..


Well-Known Member
Trial and error for years. I built my first growbox when I was about 13. I would germ seeds and grow them until I had to start over because I fucked something up. A few years leter we got the internet and I discovered overgrow. Easy as pie from then on out. OG shut down and I found RIU. Hooray RIU!!!