How did we do?


Well-Known Member
I ask this in the interest of always trying to improve. I'd like to know what you think of my overall yield. I know there are many variables (mainly the strain), so I am not looking for a definitive answer, just opinions.


3x4 flood and drain tray
2 400 watt HPS lights
General Hydroponic nutrients
Liquid KoolBloom
Floralicious Plus

29 plants (clones) in hydroton (Emily's garden black pots) 9 OG #18 and 20 LSD.
Little or no veg. They vegged for maybe a week right in the EZCloner.
They stretched quite a bit.

Overall yield:
OG #18: 3 ounces
LSD: 9 ounces

So, they went for 9 weeks (more or less) and stretched quite a bit. They were like 2-3 feet tall, single bud (for the most part- not a lot of branching), and mostly concentrated to the top 1/3 of the plant.

800 watts 336 grams

Is that good? Average? How can I improve?
how close did u have the 400hps, shoulda got a better yield in my opinion, my girls are a week into flowering and 2 ft tall lol, i have 1 400 hps on six plants, i think you would be better off doing less plants, cropping, and lettin ur girls bush out, lates


Well-Known Member
yup agree with above,get more of 1 plant with a 600w.depend on strain of course but your yield dissapointing.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...co2 can double that yield for ya ;)
...I say keep your plant #'s, your not giving them any veg life (I SOG the same way)....horizontally positioned bulbs w/ reflectors will only penetrate your canopy sooooooo deep. Smaller plants from clones is your best option if your trying to maximize your yield to full potential while your bulbs are positioned horizontally.


Well-Known Member
Temps were higher when they started, but maybe 80 to 85. Wow, I was pretty happy with 3/4 lb, but guess it should have been more?


Active Member
2 more weeks of veg, co2, single cola grow technique, temps closer to 80* day and 65* night, the nutes homebrew used in the dumpster grow shearch it out it awsome.

the root system is very inportant to the plant and needs to be established pretty good hydro or soil.

800w should yeild 800grams almost 2lbs or your wasteing money on lighting, as i suggested will help you get closer and not cost but maybe 150 more per grow and double yeild.


Well-Known Member
I always thought 1 gram per watt was like the best anyone could ever do. As for roots, this is always a concern for me. The roots never really grow out of the pots that much. I flood the tray a lot, though. Maybe too much for good root development? I think it floods 10 times per day. I have another tray with a lid. It seems plants in this tray grow more of a root system- I guess because they are covered.


Well-Known Member
Anyone care to discuss grams per watt, or what you do to improve yield? From what I have read recently, 1 gram per watt is the max someone would be able to produce under perfect conditions. Lots of people are happy with .5 per watt. I am never happy, hehe.



Well-Known Member
Anyone care to discuss grams per watt, or what you do to improve yield? From what I have read recently, 1 gram per watt is the max someone would be able to produce under perfect conditions. Lots of people are happy with .5 per watt. I am never happy, hehe.

Replace the 400's with a 1000W light.


Well-Known Member
on g/w, 1 g/w is not by any means a max, however most growers don't hit it (god knows I haven't hit it yet, though my grow style doesn't lend itself to calculating a g/w). I think for most of us 1g/w is kinda our goal, those with with a bit more experience with specific strains, or using methods like co2 certainly are hitting and passing that :)