How deep can u plant a seed?


Well-Known Member
i know ur suppose to plant 1/2 an inch into the soil etc.

i want to plant the seed like 4-6 feet deep.
i dont care when it comes out as long as it works.
i dont care if it sprouts a year later.

will it work?

I Love THC

Active Member
dude.. its not gonna work full stop... just plant the seed as deep as the first joint on any one of your fingers .. thats how deep i plant mine.


Well-Known Member
Lol jesus no man there's lava that deep it will burn up, i would think 6 inches is even too deep way too deep


Well-Known Member
when germinating a seed in a paper towel i have seen tap roots come out at least 2 inches and that to me was a big tap root so i would say it most likely wont make it out of the ground if you put it any deeper than just 2 inches deep


Well-Known Member
I keep spraying mine on top of the soil barely covered on sides until it busts then I point the tap root downward and bury a bit up to the seed so it starts pushing upwards, outside growing I would start inside and transplant or bury the cup with it and remove the bottom


Well-Known Member
im just really high and wondered if i died or had an animal that died i wanted to bury it weed 100 seeds and jus see what happens.

i cant bury any animal or myself 1 inch deep


Well-Known Member
bury bodies 4 feet deep and the roots will make there way down there
I am curious how long a seedling would try before dying off due to never reaching the surface and producing foliage, i check mine daily when germinating and usually get them to pop 2-3 days at most. Warmth is the key, lil babies never want to pop in the cold.


Well-Known Member
you ever see the movie, how high, (not a great representation of growing at all) but the guy totally puts his homies ashes in the dirt than smoked the weed that grew out of it, and saw his friends goast lol, was pritty lame but you could try it


Well-Known Member
Fun experiment, dig some dirt out of a whole. Notice there are no plants growing in dirt. Put said dirt into a pot and see what happens.