How dedicated are you to marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Im wondering, if you are dedicated as the female rapper 'Rah Digga'. She named her daughter Sativa.. yes, Sativa, as in Cannibus Sativa.

Rah Digga, Ready to blow up

i read an interview a long time ago, where she was talking about it. How she loves smoking marijuana so much that she named her daughter after it.

Are you that dedicated to it?

Heres a video of hers


Well-Known Member
way better than indica (as a name, and smoke)

edit: I just had to name a child, if it was a boy it was going to be "Blaze"... but it was a girl, so we chose something un-weed related..


Well-Known Member
Guh, your children =/= you. Naming children after an agenda you have is foolish. This is why we have nicknames... I mean, it's not better than trying to name your kid "foreal" or "4real" because you want a rapper.

Give you children non-retarded names or they will hate you. Trust me, I would know.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Guh, your children =/= you. Naming children after an agenda you have is foolish. This is why we have nicknames... I mean, it's not better than trying to name your kid "foreal" or "4real" because you want a rapper.

Give you children non-retarded names or they will hate you. Trust me, I would know.
lets try to guess this dudes name---kinda like rumpelstiltskin :)

I'm Guessing:



Well-Known Member
lets try to guess this dudes name---kinda like rumpelstiltskin :)

I'm Guessing:

im thinking Opey? or maybe Horace?

nah im j/k. but Sativa isnt that bad, it sounds nice, plus how many non smokers know that it is marijuana related


stays relevant.
where I am right now is a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom, the 1 bedroom is for the grow show, while the fiancee and I sleep in the living room... hehe that's called dedication!

anyone can give their kid a silly name... but how many people choose not to have kids in favor of growing/using/distributing pot?


Well-Known Member
ur begging for problems if u name your kids after dope and dont have some backstory bull to explain it. social workers would take em away for any reason they could arguing u smoke and grow pot so its not a suitable home.....its fucking stupid, i know, but thats how it usually goes


stays relevant.
ur begging for problems if u name your kids after dope and dont have some backstory bull to explain it. social workers would take em away for any reason they could arguing u smoke and grow pot so its not a suitable home.....its fucking stupid, i know, but thats how it usually goes
I doubt CPS is going to jack anyones kids because of their name... besides, based on that argument, wouldn't they be just as criminal for knowing what indica or sativa meant? ;)


I doubt CPS is going to jack anyones kids because of their name... besides, based on that argument, wouldn't they be just as criminal for knowing what indica or sativa meant? ;)

you must not have seen the story about the people who had their kids taken from them because they gave them nazi/white supremesist names?? they WERE pretty ridiculous though... stuff like "hienlerr" and middle names of "aryan nation"... i'll see if i can find it....

i wouldnt be too worried about 'sativa' though... i know for sure she is not the first person named sativa


Well-Known Member
the kids gonna grow up a lil find out wat sativa is and be pissed because most likely she will be anti drug as a kid. plus all the parents arnt gonna let there kids hang out with her because shes named after a drug, bad move i think.
i knew a girl whose first name was crystal and er middle name was like methlyne or sumthing no suprise her parents were meth heads


New Member
Sativa is Latin for "cultivated"

The name sativus (masculine), sativum (neuter), or sativa (feminine) (from the Latin sativus meaning "sown" or "cultivated") is found in the binomial names of many domesticated plant species:


Well-Known Member
Nine-year-old Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii has won the right to a name-change.
A judge in Wellington, New Zealand has made the girl a ward of the court so her "embarrassing" name can be altered.

Family Court Judge Rob Murfitt expressed dismay about a New Zealand trend of giving children bizarre names and in a ruling made public on Thursday, cited a list of unfortunate names that he said were embarrassing for children.

Names blocked by registration officials included: Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Stallion, Twisty Poi, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit.

Surprisingly, names such as Number 16 Bus Shelter, Midnight Chardonnay and even Violence were allowed.

Colleen MacLeod, lawyer for the nine-year-old said: “She never told her close friends her real name for fear of being mocked and teased. She told people her name was ‘K’.”
She never told her close friends her real name
Lawyer Colleen MacLeod

Brian Clarke, registrar general of Births, Deaths and Marriages said New Zealand law does not allow names that would cause offence to a reasonable person, that are 100 characters or more long, that include titles or military rank or that include punctuation marks or numerals.

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