How could you not get high?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
If you don't get stoned the first time you smoke then 1. The shit you are smoking is shit or 2. You are smoking it wrong.
It is scientifically, chemically impossible to not get stoned when you smoke unless you meet one of those two criteria. Unless you are a freak of nature and the laws of the universe do not apply to you. However, contrary to DND's post, I do think a person can be stoned and not know it...under very peculiar circumstances. Anyway, in the each their own. I know I was stoned as fuck the first time I smoked.


Well-Known Member
I didnt get high my first time, but perhaps it was becuase I was kind of nervous about doing it.

Perhaps first time, people dont really inhale as much, becuase they are a bit scared?


Active Member
I didnt get high my first time, but perhaps it was becuase I was kind of nervous about doing it.

Perhaps first time, people dont really inhale as much, becuase they are a bit scared?
Yeah, my first time i was so confused of what to do. I probably got 2 hits at most out of 4tries. I didnt feel a thing, then a few days later i tried it again, and i got ripped.

Best night of my life


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I hadnt heard many cases of it but from what I made up and told myself to be the reason is that a new smoker has a certain paranoia that kicks of a small adrenaline dose from the body which in returns balances the canniboids from the thc so basically your body makes it a wash. The more you do something the move comfortable you are doing it which relaxes the body stopping the adrenaline and then releases endoriphins instead making you that high uphoric state of mental being.....Thats what I decide the reason was???


Well-Known Member
I was really disapointed the first time b/c I didn't get high. I was like "is this it?" "this is what is sooo illegal?"

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Maybe its becuase the first time you smoke you dont take it down to your lungs and just hold it in you mouth then blow out. I know thats what happened to me.....


Well-Known Member
maybe the first time I smoke I didn't hold my hit long enough, but I know by the second time I did. Because I wanted to know what I did wrong. But still nothing. It was crazy.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
maybe the first time I smoke I didn't hold my hit long enough, but I know by the second time I did. Because I wanted to know what I did wrong. But still nothing. It was crazy.
All the thc is absorbed into your lungs withing the first 1 or 2 seconds, so it doesnt actually matter how long you hold it in for.....Just makes you look like a hard-ass :mrgreen::hump:


Well-Known Member
i got wasted wen i first smoked it coz my big bro ladened the spliff wi loadz a green.

almost collapsed wi an almighty head rush lol..
was only bout 14 or sumfin n thought ide show off infront ov my froends.. was them that was laughin at me wen the saw the state i was in..


Well-Known Member
No, the first time I ever smoked, I did not get high at all. It wasn't until like the 3rd smoke that I felt something. Strangely this actually happens to alot of people. I am curious as to why.
That's exactly what happened to me... it took about 3 diffrent times for me to get high...

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
not smoking it right, or being paranoid is the only reasons you could possibly not get high. my sister made sure I inhaled. and no matter how shitty the weed, you have to build up a tolerence to it. so the first time if you smoke it right, and you're relaxed, everybody should get fucking ripped.


Active Member
the antibodie's in ur system "for sum ppl" fight's the high off your first time even the second time sumtime's, then once it can't fight the buzz nomore of course you get high,:joint:


Active Member
i don't know the first time i smoked i just well smoked and then it hit me
but then again im a very relaxed person so i didnt really sweat it


Well-Known Member
old posts, but that makes sense if your body fights it off at first.. Lol I had some crazy epiphany once a few years ago, where I thought that since I had really bad ADD, my body needed repeated use of thc until my dopamine gland started working or something along those lines lol